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Water elevation on April 26, 2006 was 929.89 ft., NGVD-1929 <br />Highest known lake elevation is 930.51 ft. NGVD-1929 <br />Benchmark is a chiselled 'Y' on concrete base at NW corner of pumphouse <br />at Grays Bay Dam; elev=932.87 ft., NGVD-1929 <br />GRONBERG & ASSOCIATES, INC. <br />INT 2ND ADDITION <br />ENGINEERS, LAND SURVEYORS, PLANNERS <br />: Denotes found iron monument <br />o : Denotes set iron monument <br />Bearings shown are from the plat of BRACKETTS POINT <br />Drainage and utility easements shown thus: <br />Being 5 feet in width, unless otherwise indicated, and <br />adjoining lot lines, and being 10 feet in width, and <br />adjoining right of way lines unless otherwise indicated <br />on the plat. <br />SHEET 2 OF 2 SHEETS <br />