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11 <br />N <br />INSPECTOR CHECKLIST - mound <br />3345 Fox Street <br />WELL setbacks: 20' to pressure tested sewer line (5 psi for 15 min) <br />50' to everything 100' to dispersal area with shallow well <br />PROPERTY LINES setback: 10' to everything <br />Road setback: platted: 10' prop line. Metes Ft bounds: out of road easement, or outer ditch. <br />LAKE f BLUFF setback: 20' far bluff. Lakes: GD _, RD NE Protected wetland <br />Building setbacks: 10' for everything, 20' for dispersal area. <br />WATERLINE under pressure se 10' to bed, tank €t sewer line. (else sewer Line > 12" below) <br />Sewer line Et baffle connection (no 90's, 3' between 45's, slope min 1" in 8', max 2" in 8') <br />(no depth reqs, clean out every 100', Sch 40 pipe) <br />Septic tank and risers (water tight, insulated, proper depth, existing verified by pumping) <br />mfg 3000 gallons none <br />Riser over outlet, riser over inlet or center, and 6"+ inspection pipe over any remaining baffles. <br />No effluent filter Et alarm <br />Dose tank risers and piping (water tight, insulated, proper depth, drainback) <br />mfg 1500 gallons <br />dose pump 49 gpm 42 head VERIFY PUMP CURVE 6.4 rain ON 9 hr OFF <br />F7 float setting drop 10.7 inches at 29.4 gpi "DESIGNED" 6.4 inches approx float tether length <br />315.0 gal dose divided by gpi "INSTALLED" = inches float drop (field corrected <br />LABEL pump requirements and drawdown on riser or panel <br />Cam lock reachable from grade - 30" max. J -hook weep hole. Supply line access (no hard 90"s) <br />2.0 inch supply pipe: Sch40, sloped 1/8"+, supported by 4" sch40 sleeve or compacted, and buried 6"+. <br />splice box / control panel / electrical connections <br />flow measurement: CT, ETM, time dosed, home water meter <br />mound absorption area rough up <br />mound rock dimensions 10.0 X 88.0 <br />Sand Lift depth 20 inches. (Jar test : 2" sand leaves < 1l8" silt after 30 min) <br />Absorption Sand beyond rock 0.0 upslope 17.0 downslope <br />EBermed topsoil beyond rockbed 11 upslope 13 sideslope 31 downslope <br />cover depth of 12-18"+ VERIFY <br />3 laterals (1-2' from edge of rock) <br />2.00 inch pipe size (Sch40 pipe Et fittings) <br />3.0 ft lateral spacing <br />e 7132 inch perforations <br />3.0 ft perforation spacing <br />Air inlet at end of laterals, and at top feed manifold if necessary. VERIFY <br />clean outs (no hard 90's) <br />4" inspection pipe to bottom of rock, anchored VERIFY <br />Abandon existing system - if necessary �Re-use existing tank certification <br />monitoring plan and type <br />well abandonment form - if necessary <br />