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Resolution 5948
Resolutions, Ordinances, Proclamations
Reso 0001-7499
Reso 5900 - 5999 (January 11,2010 - November 8, 2010)
Resolution 5948
Entry Properties
Last modified
8/7/2015 7:46:52 AM
Creation date
8/7/2015 7:46:04 AM
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CITY of ORONO <br />RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL <br />f ., <br />Wetlands on the property are concurrently subject to the jurisdiction of the Minnehaha Creek <br />Watershed District. <br />3. Stormwater management will be provided by rain gardens and stormwater ponds, In <br />addition to the City of Orono, the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District has approval <br />authority over the stormwater management plan. The development will be subject to the <br />standard Storm Water & Drainage Trunk Fee. <br />4. Vehicular access to the property will be via the existing drive, entering from Wayzata <br />Boulevard at the southeast corner of the property. The City Council has concluded that <br />a private street.of rural section 24' in paved width should be provided, which will provide <br />adequate emergency vehicle and delivery vehicle access. <br />5. Visitor and employee parking for the property will be provided in a 53 stall surface <br />parking lot. The Council finds that for the proposed assisted living use this ratio of <br />approximately one stall per unit should be sufficient to serve the intended use. <br />6. The Property abuts the MnDNR's Luce Line Trail. The proposed building will be located <br />at least 60 feet from the Trail right-of-way. There is no proposed pedestrian connection <br />from the Property to the Luce Line Trail. <br />T The Property is within the MUSA. Sewer and water service to serve the Property will be <br />from the City of Wayzata via sewer and water mains that have been extended to the <br />property boundary. Construction and maintenance of a non -clog sewer lift station to <br />serve the property is the responsibility of the developer. <br />8. The applicant has provided preliminary site plans, grading plans, landscaping plans, <br />utility plans and building construction plans which the Council finds are sufficient to <br />indicate the intent of the developer and the potential impacts of the project. <br />9. The proposed development generally meets the RPUD standards for multifamily <br />residential development [Section 78-626(7)], <br />10. With over 5 acres of usable open space on the Property, the private recreation area of <br />`10% of the platted property' required under the RPUD standards will be sufficiently met. <br />11- The City Council finds that the park dedication for this development should be in the <br />form of a Cash Contribution in Lieu of Lands as allowed by the Municipal Code. <br />Page 4 of 11 <br />
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