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CITY OF ORONO <br /> RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL <br /> NO. 70 15 <br /> G <br /> tAkFS Ho <br /> fill materials. However, activity of exporting approximately 3,200 cubic yards of fill <br /> and active grading of the Property during construction can have a temporary adverse <br /> impact on neighbors. The grading work on the Property as well as the forthcoming <br /> construction of the proposed home could result in additional noise, dust, vibration <br /> and traffic on the haul routes and immediate neighbors. To the degree possible, <br /> negative impacts should be limited and mitigated. <br /> 6) The use will not impose additional unreasonable costs on the public; the builder and <br /> owner will be responsible for keeping debris off of the roadways. The noise <br /> resulting from the trucks hauling and equipment moving the material in and around <br /> the site should be minimized to the extent possible. The grading and construction <br /> project will be monitored by the MCWD, the City Engineer, and building inspectors <br /> so as to minimize nuisances during the project. <br /> 7) The date or event that will terminate the use can be identified with certainty; the <br /> conclusion of the grading activity will coincide with the finalization of the <br /> construction of the proposed home on the property. An as-built survey shall be <br /> submitted to confirm conformance with the approved grading plan at the closing of <br /> the permits. <br /> 8) And the applicant agrees in writing to any conditions that the city council deems appropriate <br /> for the use, including a requirement for a financial security to ensure removal of all evidence <br /> of the use upon termination, and restoration of the site to prior or better conditions. The <br /> conditions shall be set forth in a development agreement between the property owner and <br /> the city, which agreement shall be recorded with the Hennepin County Recorder or <br /> Registrar of Deeds. The conditions of approval will be documented as required. <br /> CONCLUSIONS, ORDER AND CONDITIONS: <br /> Based upon one or more of the above findings, the Orono City Council hereby grants a <br /> variance to Orono Municipal Zoning Code Section 78-1726 to allow the export of approximately <br /> 3,200 cubic yards of excess fill material from the Property in conjunction with construction of a <br /> new residence; subject to the following conditions: <br /> 1. Council approval is based on the entire record, above Findings. <br /> 2. The approved project shall conform to Building Permit RPS19-000079 for the new home. <br /> 3. The Applicant shall follow the approved haul route. <br /> 4 <br />