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�Op CITY OF ORONO <br /> RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL <br /> NO. 6989 <br /> ‘kESHov-``' <br /> 4. The Property contains 23.72 acres in area and has a defined lot width of over 564 feet on <br /> Long Lake and over 580 feet of frontage on Brown Road. <br /> 5. The property will be served by municipal sanitary sewer and water. <br /> 6. The Property is within Tier 1 and hardcover is limited to 25%according to the Stormwater <br /> Quality Overlay District. <br /> 7. The parcel will be subdivided into 7 buildable lots and platted right of way. All lots <br /> conform to the size and width requirements of the city code. <br /> 8. The Developer has prepared grading plans to manage stormwater on site without negatively <br /> impacting adjacent parcels. <br /> 9. Access to the property is via the existing Brown Road North, a public street. <br /> 10. The Parks, Trails and Open Space element of the Orono Community Management Plan <br /> (CMP)has no current plans for parks that specifically require dedication of park land from <br /> this property. <br /> 11. The developer has submitted a Conservation Design Report and Master Plan prepared by <br /> Kjohlaug Environmental Services Company dated March 28, 2019 that inventories and <br /> describes in detail the environmental features of the site, defining what natural values of <br /> the site should be preserved or enhanced and how that should occur. <br /> CONCLUSIONS, ORDER AND CONDITIONS: <br /> Based upon one or more of the above findings, the Orono City Council hereby grants <br /> preliminary plat approval to allow the subdivision of the property into 7 lots, as depicted on the <br /> plans dated April 3, 2019 prepared by Gronberg and Associates, attached as Exhibit B, subject to <br /> the following conditions: <br /> A. Project Specific Conditions <br /> 1. The applicable general engineering comments and or conditions provided by City <br /> Engineer dated April 8, 2018 attached hereto as Exhibit C shall be suitably <br /> addressed by applicant in the development plan submittal. <br /> 2 <br />