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.� o�,., <br /> 0 0 <br /> � C ITY of ORONO <br /> a ;�- � <br /> ti <br /> ti <br /> RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL <br /> ��`�k'ESI3�g'�G NO. � 9 � 2 <br /> 2. The Property is located in the LR-1C zoning district, where 0.5 acre is the <br /> minimum lot area and 100 feet is the minimum lot width. The Property is <br /> approximately 0.43 acre in area and 62 feet in width. <br /> 3. The Plarming Commission reviewed this application on April 19, 2010 and on <br /> a vote of 5 - 0 recommended: <br /> a. Approval of the lot width and area variances, based on the following <br /> findings: <br /> i. The Property was platted in 1907 and has existed in its current <br /> configuration since 1950 and probably earlier. <br /> ii. There has been a seasonal residence on the Property since 1920 or <br /> earlier. <br /> iii. No adjacent property is owned by the Owner or available to <br /> purchase to enlarge the lot. <br /> iv. The location and size of the proposed house are compatible with the <br /> lakeshore houses in this area. <br /> b. Approval of a hardcover variance subject to the amount of hardcover being <br /> reduced by 418 square feet, based on the following finding: <br /> Reasonable use of the Property includes a view of the lake. The <br /> proposed house could be constructed on the lot without a hardcover <br /> variance. However, because of the narrowness of the lot and the <br /> location of the houses on either side, the lake view would be severely <br /> limited. The additional hardcover allows the house to be located near <br /> the average lakeshore setback. <br /> 4. The City Council has considered this application including the findings and <br /> recommendation of the Planning Commission, reports by City staff, comments <br /> by the applicants and the public, and the effect of the proposed variance on the <br /> health, safety and welfare of the community. <br /> 5. The City Council finds that the conditions existing on this property are peculiar <br /> to it and do not apply generally to other property in this zoning district; that <br /> granting the variances would not adversely affect traffic conditions, light, air <br /> nor pose a fire hazard or other danger to neighboring property; would not <br /> Page 2 of 4 <br />