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RESOLUTION #420 <br />A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING WATER RATES FOR <br />USERS SERVED BY THE ORONO NAVARRE AREA WATER SYSTEM <br />BE IT RESOLVED by the Village of Orono that water for the <br />Navarre area water system shall be provided at the following rates: <br />Such charges shall be billed to all users on a quarterly basis <br />throughout the year based upon actual water consumption with a <br />$7.50 minimum quarterly charge per unit. <br />The minimum quarterly charge shall to,.each residential <br />or commercial unit and not to each meter unit., <br />A. For the first 30,000 gallons usage - $.75 per 1,000 gals. <br />B. For the next 20,000 gallons usage - $.60 per 1,000 gals. <br />C. For the next 50,000 gallons usage - $.50 per 1,000 gals. <br />D. For all usage over 100,000 gallons - $.40 per 1,000 gals. <br />Adopted by the Village'Council of the Village of Orono, Minnesota, at <br />a regular meeting held November -.22, 1971. <br />Louis B. 0 er auser, Mayor <br />Attest: <br />—Ralph, Martin, Clerk -Administrator <br />RESOLUTION #421 <br />A RESOLUTION RELATING TO PARTICIPATION IN THE <br />SUBURBAN HENNEPIN COUNTY NURSING DISTRICT <br />Mr. McCarthy introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: <br />WHEREAS, pursuant To Minnesota Statutes, Section 145.08 and <br />145.12, provision has been made for a public health nursing district <br />in that portion of Hennepin County outside the City of Minneapolis, and <br />.WHEREAS, pursuant to such authority such a public health <br />nursing district has been organized and has been in operation for <br />several years, and <br />WHEREAS, it is deemed necessary to continue the operation of <br />such nursing district and to provide it with adequate funds for the <br />proper operation. <br />NOW, THEREFORE '-BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF <br />The Village of Orono that this political subdivision continue to be <br />included in the public health nursing district of Suburban Hennepin <br />County, organized on January 4, 1952; that it participate in the <br />