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MINUTES OF THE HRA MEETING <br />HELD APRIL 26, 1993 <br />ROLL <br />The HRA Committee met on the above date with the following members <br />present: Chair Gabriel Jabbour, Charles Kelley, Edward Callahan, <br />J. Diann Goetten and JoEllen Hurr. The following represented the <br />City staff; City Administrator Ron Moorse, Public Works Director <br />John Gerhardson, City Attorney Kevin Staunton and Recorder Teri <br />Naab. Chair Jabbour called the meeting to order at 7:15 P.M. <br />(#1) APPROVAL OF MINUTES <br />Jabbour deferred action on this matter until the minutes are <br />presented for review. <br />(#2) APPLICATION & CERTIFICATE FOR PAYMENT NO. 14 <br />Goetten clarified that all I terns listed were Included with the <br />original contract. <br />Jabbour concurred and noted that the only Items outstanding are <br />landscaping and the stucco work. He said he would like to resolve <br />issues still being negotiated. <br />Kelley suggested doors be Installed on the kennel/trash area for <br />screening. <br />Jabbour clarified all Items have been approved for payment by the <br />Architect and the Construction Manager. <br />Moorse said all items were approved. <br />It was moved by Goetten, seconded by Callahan, to approve City Hall <br />and Pub lie Works Buildings Architect’s AppII cat I on and Cert 1ficate <br />for Payment No. He in the amount of $40,180.80, as presented. Ayes <br />5, nays 0. <br />(#3) FINAL PAYMENT - ZAHL EQUIPMENT <br />Jabbour said Hurr at the last meeting Inquired about the <br />warrant Ies. ' ‘ . <br />Gerhardson noted all equipment has at least a one year warranty, <br />with up to a 30 year warranty. <br />Jabbour asked if all equipment is satisfactory. <br />Gerhardson said it was and it was ail installed and working <br />according to manufacturer's specifications.