<br /> �.
<br /> RESOLUTION N0. 725
<br /> WHEREAS, the City of Orono is a municipal corporation and organized and
<br /> existing t.mder the laws of the State of Minnesota; and
<br /> WI�REAS, the City Council of the City of Orono has adopted subdivision
<br /> regulatians�for the orderly, economic and safe development of land within the
<br /> City; and
<br /> `� Wf-iEREAS, the City Coimcil has considered the application for a subdivision
<br /> plat for subdivision at 1305 Sixth Avenue North by Betty and Hug� Harrison.
<br /> NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Cotmcil of the City of �
<br /> Orono hereby approv�es the subdivision at 1305 Sixth Avenue North, Hennepin County,
<br /> Minnesota, subject to the Park Dedication Fee of $500.00 being paid, and consents
<br /> to the subdivision of the property into two separate parcels described as follows:
<br /> Parcel 1 .
<br /> "That part of Government Lot 1, Section 26, and that part of Government Lot 1,
<br /> Section 35, all in Township 118, Range 23, described as follows: Beginning at
<br /> the Northwest corner of Lot 2 "Auditor's Subdivision Niunber 291, Hennepin Cowrty,
<br /> Minnesota"; thence West along the extension of the North line of said Lot 2 and
<br /> � along the South line of Lot 1, said Auditor's Subdivision, to the most Westerly
<br /> line of Lot 1, said Auditor's Subdivision; thence South along the extension of
<br /> the most Westerly line of Lot 1, said Auditor's Subdivision, to the South line
<br /> of said Section 26; thence tiYest along the South line of said Section 26 to its
<br /> intersection with a line r�mning para.11el to and 675 feet East of, measured at
<br /> right angles to, the West line of said Section 26; thence South along the
<br /> extension of said parallel line 67.46 feet; thence East, parallel to the North
<br /> line of said Section 35, a distance of 80 feet; thence South, parrallel to the
<br /> West line of Lot 2, said Auditor's Subdivision, to the shore of Long Lake; .
<br /> thence Southeasterly along said shore to its intersection with the West line of
<br /> Lot 2, said Auditor's Subdivision; thence North to the point of beginning, except
<br /> that protion thereof embraced in Registered. La.nd Survey No. 934; and except the
<br /> West 50 feet of that part of the above-described Government Lot 1, Section 26,
<br /> lying North of the North line of Registered Land Survey No. 934; and except that
<br /> part of Government Lot 1, Section 35, lying West of a line and its Southerly
<br /> Extension drawn parallel with and distant 140 feet East from the East line of
<br /> "Albee's Long Lake Addition"; That part of Lot 1 lying West of a line drawn
<br /> pa.rallel with and 395 feet East of, measured at rigk�t angles to, the East line of
<br /> the West half of the Southwest qua.rter of Section 26, Township 118, Range 23,
<br /> and the same extended, and Lot 2, "Auditor's St�division Nwnber 291, Hennepin
<br /> Coimty, Minnesota", according to the plat thereof on file or of record in the
<br /> office of the Registrar of Titles in and for said Hennepin Cowity;
<br /> The East 60 feet of the West 735 feet of that part of the West half of the
<br /> Soutl�n�vest quarter of Section 26, To�mship 118 North, Range 23 West of the 5th
<br /> Rrincipal Meridian, lying South of the center line of the North Watertawn Road
<br /> as the same was laid out and travelled on or before August 16, 1950, and lying
<br /> • North of the extension Westerly of the South line of Lot 1, "Auditor's Subdivision
<br /> Number 291, Hennepin County, Minnesota";
<br /> EXCEPT that portion thereof embraced in Tract A, Registered Land Survey No. 1379,
<br /> files of Registrar of Titles, Cotmty of Hennepin;
<br /> ALSO EXCEPT that part of Lot 1, said Auditor's S�bdivision, Iying West of a line
<br /> . �
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