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� � <br /> ORDINANCE NO. 19 ,3RD SERIES <br /> AN ORDINANCE EXTENDING AN INTERIM MORATORIUM PROHIBITING <br /> THE GRANTING OF PRELIMINARY SUBDIVISION APPROVAL, REZONING, <br /> OR PUD APPROVAL WITHIN THE MORATORIUM AREA AS DEFINED IN <br /> ORDINANCE NO. 7, THIRD SERIES AS AMENDED BY ORDINANCE NO. 8, <br /> THIRD SERIES. <br /> THE CITY OF ORONO ORDAINS: <br /> SECTION 1. Authoritv. Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Section 462.355, Subd. 4, the <br /> City is authorized to establish interim ordinances to regulate, restrict, or prohibit any use <br /> or development in all or a part of the City while the City is considering adoption or <br /> amendments of the comprehensive plan or official zoning controls. The City declares <br /> that this ordinance is established pursuant to the aforementioned statute and City <br /> ordinance. <br /> SECTION 2. Findin�s and Purpose. The City of Orono is conducting a study of the <br /> impact of residential development at densities of more than two units per acre under <br /> current ordinances, to determine whether the current ordinances fulfill the underlying <br /> purposes of the City's land use and zoning provisions. It appears to the Council that the <br /> consequences of allowing such applications to be approved may be undesirable because <br /> the current ordinances may not be consistent with the City's zoning and development <br /> goals. <br /> As a result of the important land use and zoning issues cited above, the City adopted an <br /> ordinance placing an interim moratorium on the granting of preliminary subdivision <br /> approval, rezoning, or PUD approval for all real property within the City of Orono which <br /> is currently guided in the Orono 2000-2020 Community Management Plan to allow <br /> residential densities in excess of two dwelling units per acre, with the exception of the <br /> property within the plat of StoneBay. This moratorium is scheduled to expire on October <br /> 12, 2004. <br /> SECTION 3. Extension of Moratorium. Because the City has not completed its study <br /> and consideration of possible amendments to the comprehensive plan or official zoning <br /> controls to address the issues related to residential development at densities of more than <br /> two units per acre, the moratorium relating to residential development at densities of <br /> more than two units per acre as defined in Ordinance No. 7, Third Series (as amended by <br /> Ordinance No. 8, Third Series) is hereby extended by six months to April 12, 2005. <br /> 121092142v1 786748 <br />