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09-13-1993 Council Minutes HRA2
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09-13-1993 Council Minutes HRA2
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MINUTKS OF THK IIRA .MFFT1N(; <br />HFU) SKKrE.MMKR !3. IW3 <br />ROLL <br />'I he HRA met on the above date wiflj the following members present: Chair Gabr»el Jabbour, <br />Edward Callahan. J. Diann Goeiten. and Charles Kelley. Joi;ilen llurr was absent. The <br />following represented City staff: City Administrator Ron Moorse, City Attorney lorn Barrett <br />and Recorder Lin Vce. Chair Jabbour called the meeting to order at 7:15 p.m. <br />(#1) APPROVAL OF MINUTES <br />It was moved by Callahan, seconded by Goetten, to approve the minutes ol the July 26. 1993 <br />meeting. Ayes 4, nays 0. <br />(#2) PAYMENT REQUEST FOR PUMP AM) METER INC. ( FUEL STORAGE <br />SYSTEM) <br />McK)rse e.xplained this payment referring to letters from Jon Rail, the architect, and Pump and <br />Meter. The letters indicate that even thing has been installed and is working as ordered. Pump <br />and Meter has also responded to corrected some items on the punch list. Based on these <br />letters, the City is recommending that the total amount due to Pump and Meter plus the $1,715 <br />settlement related to the former be approved for payment. <br />It was moved by Callahan, seconded by Kelley, that staff be directed to make payment for <br />$52,844.75 to Ihimp and .Meter Service. Ayes 4. nays 0. <br />(#3) PAYMENT FOR METCON (PUBLIC WORKS BUILDING) <br />Moorse referred to a fax received from MetCon indicating what has been completed, billed and <br />paid for, as well as a request for payment from December of 1992. Kraus-Anderson had <br />originally approved for payment about $17,000 and then reduced that by $10,000. TIk City <br />is.sucd a check for abt^ut $7,000 but held it because there were a number of corrections to be <br />m,ide. .Moorse talked with John Davies who indicated that the payment could be released since <br />correctioas have been made, l hat wmiKl leave a balance of $<^i.644 to be taken care of later. <br />Jabbv.ur asked if staff was sure that mi part of the $17,000 had been sent to MetCon. MtH)rse <br />confirmed no payments had been relea.sed and noted that $10,000 had not even been approved <br />Ticnt. <br />It was moved by Callahan, seconded by (joetten. to release the check for $7,037 and make an <br />additional payment of $10,000 to MetCon. Ayes 4, nays 0.
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