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MINUTES OF THE HRA MEETING <br /> HELD MAY 24, 1993 <br /> ROLL <br /> The HRA met on the above date with the following members present : <br /> Chair Gabriei Jabbour , Charles Keiley, Edward Callahan , J . Diann <br /> Goetten and JoEilen Hurr . The foliowing represented the City staff : <br /> City Administrator Ron Moorse , City Attorney Kevin Staunton and <br /> Recorder Teri Naab. Chair Jabbour called the meeting to order at <br /> 7 : 18 P.M. <br /> (#1 ) APPROVAL OF MINUTES <br /> It was moved by Goetten , seconded by Callahan , to approve the <br /> minutes of the Apri I 12 , 1993 and Apri I 26 , 1993 HRA meetings . Ayes <br /> 5 , nays 0 . <br /> (#2) RATIFICATION OF CITY COUNCIL ACTION RELATED TO CITY FACILITIES <br /> FURNITURE <br /> It was moved by Callahan , seconded by Goetten , to ratify the <br /> actions of the City Council related to City facilities furniture . <br /> Ayes 5 , nays 0 . <br /> (#3) CITY FACILITIES CHANGE ORDERS <br /> Moorse reported this reflects a number of change orders, all of <br /> which have been reflected in the budget numbers provided to the <br /> HRA members. <br /> Goetten questioned the savings realized due to the cold storage <br /> unit not being built . <br /> Moorse stated the electricity was provided and an underground <br /> conduit was installed to the location of the light stand. He said <br /> if a cold storage unit is built , a portion of the electrification <br /> will still need to be completed . <br /> Jabbour questioned the $6 ,000 amount for the conduit and light . <br /> Kelley asked if the dollars have already been spent for such . <br /> Moorse noted the conduit is in place, but the light pole is not . <br /> Kelley asked if the conduit could carry other items such as phone <br /> wires . <br /> Moorse stated he believed it was large enough to do so. <br /> Goetten said she wanted a break down on this cost . <br /> 1 <br />