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Resolution 6696
Resolutions, Ordinances, Proclamations
Reso 0001-7499
Reso 6600 - 6699 March 28, 2016 - November 28, 2016)
Resolution 6696
Entry Properties
Last modified
12/14/2016 11:51:17 AM
Creation date
12/14/2016 11:50:58 AM
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CITY OF ORONO <br />RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL <br />NO. 6696 <br />A RESOLUTION <br />APPROVING VARIANCES FROM <br />MUNICIPAL ZONING CODE <br />SECTIONS 78-1281, 78-1282, 78-1435, 78-1605 and 78-1680 <br />FILE NO. 16-3876 <br />WHEREAS, Luke Beltnick, is Trustee of the Luke Beltnick Revocable Trust <br />(hereinafter "the Applicant") the owner of the property located at 1380 Orono Lane, and legally <br />described as: <br />Tract A, RLS No. 1350, files of the Registrar of Titles, Hennepin County, Minnesota, <br />except that part thereof lying Northeasterly of the following described line: <br />Commencing at the most Northerly corner of said Tract A; thence Southwesterly along <br />the Northwesterly line of said Tract A a distance of 268.60 feet to the point of beginning <br />of the line being described; thence deflecting left 117 degrees 47 minutes to the <br />Southerly line of said Tract A, and there ending (hereinafter the "Property"); <br />WHEREAS, on September 21, 2016, the Applicant has made application to the <br />City of Orono for variances to Orono Municipal Zoning Code Sections 78-1281, 78-1282, and 78- <br />1680 to allow reorientation of an existing pool patio to accommodate a new in -ground pool within <br />the 75 -foot setback resulting in 444 square feet of hardcover where 743 square feet previously <br />existed and hardcover is not permitted; and <br />WHEREAS, Applicant has made application to the City of Orono for a variance to <br />Orono Municipal Zoning Code Section 78-1435 to allow construction of a shed for the storage of <br />pool equipment within the side street setback, 19 feet from the side lot line where a 50 foot setback <br />is required; and <br />WHEREAS, the Applicant also has made application to the City of Orono for a <br />variance to Orono Municipal Zoning Code Section 78-1605 to allow construction of a 10 -foot x <br />20 -foot back up apron to replace a similar driveway backup apron 25 feet from the wetland where <br />a 35 -foot setback is required; and <br />WHEREAS, on October 17, 2016, after published and mailed notice in accordance <br />with Minnesota Statutes and the City Code, the Planning Commission held a public hearing, at <br />which time all persons desiring to be heard concerning this application were given the opportunity <br />to speak thereon; and <br />WHEREAS, following the public hearing, the Planning Commission recommended <br />approval of the variances; and <br />
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