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CITY OF ORONO <br />RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL <br />NO. 6 6 5 0 <br />RESOLUTION ORDERING ABATEMENT OF HAZARDOUS CONDITION <br />OF HAZARDOUS PROPERTY AND HAZARDOUS BUILDING <br />WHEREAS, the Building Official of the City of Orono has attempted without success to <br />have the owner of certain property at 3907 Cherry Avenue, Orono, Minnesota, in the County of <br />Hennepin ("Subject Property"), remedy the hazardous condition of the property and building <br />located thereon; and <br />WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that the Subject Property constitutes a public <br />health and safety hazard and is therefore a hazardous property within the meaning of Minn. Stat. § <br />463.15, subd. 3, and the residential building located on the Subject Property ("Subject Building") <br />constitutes a fire hazard or a hazard to public safety or health and is therefore a hazardous building <br />within the meaning of Minn. Stat. § 463.15, subd. 3. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Orono, <br />Minnesota: <br />1. The City has fully considered all evidence relating to the hazardous condition of the <br />Subject Property. Said evidence includes (i) Property Report indicating ownership of <br />the Subject Property, (ii) February 5, 2013 letter to property owner, (iii) July 6, 2015 <br />Inspection Notice; (iv) August 21, 2015 letter to property owner; (v) photographs <br />date stamped 10130115, 04120116, and 06/20/16; and (vi) Memorandum by Roger <br />Peitso, Building Official, dated June 28, 2016. <br />2. After fully considering all of the photographs, documents, and other evidence <br />pertaining to the hazardous condition of the Subject Property and Subject Building, <br />the City of Orono finds: <br />a. Gerald M. Clark III is the owner of the Subject Property. <br />b. In January of 2013, City staff received a complaint regarding exterior storage <br />at the Subject Property. Following an inspection, the City sent the property <br />owner a letter at the Subject Property, identifying 18 violations of the City <br />Code and setting a compliance date of February 19, 2013. The letter was <br />returned as undeliverable with no forwarding address. <br />C. A July 6, 2015 site visit to the Subject Property showed no change in <br />condition. <br />