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CITY OF ORONO <br />RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL <br />NO. 6641 <br />A RESOLUTION VACATING <br />AN OPEN SPACE EASEMENT <br />WITHIN OUTLOT C, NORTHGATE TWO <br />HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA <br />- FILE NO. 16-3834 <br />WHEREAS, the City of Orono is a municipal corporation organized and <br />existing under the laws of the State of Minnesota; and <br />WHEREAS, the Northgate Two Homeowners Association of Orono, <br />Minnesota, a non-profit corporation (hereinafter the "HOA") is owner of the property within <br />the City of Orono, and legally described as follows: <br />Outlot C, Northgate Two, Hennepin County, Minnesota <br />(hereinafter the "HOA Property"; and <br />WHEREAS, the HOA property is subject to that certain Open Space <br />Easement in favor of the City of Orono dedicated in Article XIV of the Declaration of <br />Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions record with Hennepin County as Document No. <br />4547677; and <br />WHEREAS, the aforesaid easement prohibits construction of "signs, <br />billboards, accessory buildings, hardcover or roads of any nature whatsoever, or any other <br />structure or improvement inconsistent with the natural state of the Affected Lands."; and <br />WHEREAS, the HOA will no longer own the portion of Outlot C described <br />and depicted as Parcel A within the survey attached hereto as Exhibit A upon completion <br />of a lot line rearrangement with the owners of Lot 1, Block 7, Northgate Two; and <br />Page 1 of 3 <br />