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Resolution 5677
Resolutions, Ordinances, Proclamations
Reso 0001-7499
Reso 5600 - 5699 (April 25, 2007 - December 3, 2007)
Resolution 5677
Entry Properties
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41-1 <br />k-ATY OF ORONO <br />RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL <br />NO. 567^ <br />A RESOLUTION GRANTING PRELIMINARY <br />APPROVAL OF A CLASS II SUBDIVISION FOR <br />PROPERTY LOCATED AT 3045 SUSSEX ROAD <br />FILE NO. 07-3313 <br />WHEREAS, "Theodore Zieman and Betty Zieman, husband and wife, (hereinafter the <br />"Subdividers") on August 21, 2007, filed a formal subdivision application with the City for <br />approval of a two lot residential plat of property legally described as Lots 5 and 6, Block 2, and <br />that part of Lot 3, Block 2 lying easerly of a line and its extensions, said line being drawn from <br />the most westerly corner of said Lot 6 to an angle point in the East line of said Lot 3, said angle <br />point being the point 100.00 feet westerly of the most easterly corner of said Lot 3, all in Block 2 <br />Fox Bend, Hennepin County, Minnesota (hereinafter "the Property"); and <br />WHEREAS, after due published and mailed notice in accordance with Minnesota <br />Statutes 462.358 et. seq. and the City of Orono's Zoning and Subdivision Codes, the Orono <br />Planning Commission held a public hearing on September 17, 2007, at which time all persons <br />desiring to be heard concerning this application were given the opportunity to speak thereon; and <br />WHEREAS, at their regular meeting held on October 8, 2007 the Orono City Council <br />considered the subdivision application of the Subdividers noting the following findings of fact: <br />The property is located within the RR -1B One Family Rural Residential Zoning District <br />requiring a minimum of 2 acres of contiguous dry buildable land within each newly <br />created building lot. <br />2. The property contains a total of approximately 4.86 acres of land; approximately 0.54 <br />acre of which is delineated wetland. <br />3. The property was originally two lots. The two lots were combined to allow a tennis court <br />to be constructed on the second lot. Fees for both lots were paid with the original plat. <br />4. The proposed plat consists of two residential lots, each meeting the minimum lot standard <br />requirements of the RR -1B, One Family Rural Residential Zoning District. <br />5. A single family residence currently exists within proposed Lot 2. The subdivision of the <br />property would not create any violations of zoning code regulations for this house. <br />Proposed Lot 1 is vacant. <br />Pagel of 3 <br />
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