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Resolution 6591
Resolutions, Ordinances, Proclamations
Reso 0001-7499
Reso 6500 - 6599 May 11, 2015 - March 14, 2016
Resolution 6591
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Last modified
2/25/2016 11:14:47 AM
Creation date
2/25/2016 11:14:44 AM
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CITY OF ORONO <br />RESOLUTION OF THS VT9Y COUNCIL a <br />NO. <br />A RESOLUTION FOR <br />ESTABLISHING A <br />CHANGED PRECINCT POLLING PLACE LOCATION <br />FOR PRECINCT 2 <br />IN THE CITY OF ORONO, MINNESOTA <br />WHEREAS, Resolution No. 4797, adopted April 22, 2002, reestablished the designated <br />polling location for Precinct 2 at the Gray Freshwater Center; and <br />WHEREAS, the Gray Freshwater Center is no longer available for use as a polling place <br />location due to the recent sale of the property; and <br />WHEREAS, per Minnesota Statute 204B.16, the polling place for a precinct in a city in <br />the metropolitan area shall be located within the boundaries of the precinct or within one mile of <br />one of those boundaries; and <br />WHEREAS, after review of potential polling place locations in Precinct 2 and the <br />precinct boundaries, it was determined that Good Shepheard Lutheran Church located at 3745 <br />Shoreline Drive would be the best option for replacing the previous polling place location; and <br />WHEREAS, Good Shepherd Lutheran Church meets the following criteria for a polling <br />place: <br />1. It is within the boundaries of Precinct 2. <br />2. It is accessible and usable by the elderly and individuals with disabilities. <br />3. The space is separated from other activities within the building. <br />4. Adequate parking is available for use by voters. <br />5. There are sufficient facilities to accommodate judges who work the entire day. <br />6. Intoxicating liquors or non -intoxicating malt beverages are not served in the <br />facility or any adjoining room(s). <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the City Council of the City of <br />Orono does hereby establish Good Shepherd Lutheran Church located at 3745 Shoreline Drive as <br />the designated polling place location for Precinct 2, and designation of this polling place shall <br />remain effective until a different polling place is designated for this precinct. <br />Page 1 of 2 <br />
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