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Addendum to permit for landscape work - 2000
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Street Address
Bracketts Point Rd
1400 Bracketts Point Rd - PID: 11-117-23-32-0025
Land Use
Addendum to permit for landscape work - 2000
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Last modified
8/22/2023 3:30:06 PM
Creation date
1/19/2016 2:44:14 PM
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Bracketts Point
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1400 Bracketts Point Road
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Land Use
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Addendum to Permit for <br /> Landscape Work within 75' of Lake at 1400 Bracketts Point Road <br /> June 1, 2000 <br /> Scope of Project: It is the City's understanding that the intent of this project is to refurbish the vegetation <br /> o��the east shore hillside from the north lot line to the lawn area south of the grotto. This work will include <br /> removal of buckthorn, removal of overgrown sumac, selective trimming, pruning or removal of a number <br /> of 6"-plus and 6"-minus trees, and replanting with a variety of tree and shrub species. It is the City's <br /> understanding that the goal of the project is that in 2-3 years the hillside will again appear fully vegetated <br /> and naturally wooded with a variety of species of varying heights. <br /> Conditions of Approval: Because removal of any 6"-plus trees within 75' of the lakeshore requires City <br /> approval,and because City ordinances prohibit clearcutting within 75'of the shoreline or on steep slopes or <br /> within bluff areas,the following guidelines shall be adhered to as a condition of City approvaL• <br /> 1. Contractor shall mark in the field and identify on a plan the location and species of all trees to be <br /> removed within 75' of the shoreline that are 6" diameter or larger, and shall obtain approval of the <br /> City inspector prior to the removal of such trees. <br /> 2. This permit is issued with the understanding that all such trees identified under item 1 will be <br /> replaced with trees of size and species found acceptable to City staff, such trees to be located per a <br /> tree replacement plan to be submitted to the City prior to removals. <br /> 3. It is the City's understanding that approximately half of the vegetation on the lakeshore will be <br /> removed,that all significant trees will be saved,that many trees will be pruned,that many clumps <br /> of trees will be thi��ned, all with the intent of removing excessive growth, raising the level of the <br /> overstory so that selected young trees and shrubs in the understory can thrive.Further,it is the City's <br /> understanding that the ground cover will be restored using various plant materials which will be <br /> specified in detail as to species and location by contractor as soon as plans are completed. <br /> 4. It is the City's intent that existing vegetative screening of the grotto, rock wall and lakeshore <br /> accessory building will be retained or replaced in kind to provide at least the same measure of <br /> screening from the lake that currently exists. <br /> 5. Work on the hillside shall be accomplished primarily by hand methods. Use of inechanical <br /> equipment on steep slopes shall be avoided. Then contractor will establish silt fencing at the base <br /> of the slope to eliminate the possibility of sediments entering the lake. <br /> 6. This approval includes up to 10 cubic yards of fill above the OHWL that may be associated with <br /> repairing the shoreline rip-rap near the entrance to the grotto. <br /> 7. The contractor agrees to notify the City 24 hours in advance of each day's intended tree removal so <br /> that the City can approve the work to be completed and confirm adherence to these guidelines and <br /> conditions. <br /> This permit is issued subject to the above conditions, and work outside the scope or not in keeping <br /> with these conditions will cause revocation of this approval. The undersigned contractor confirms <br /> at the above statements of under ding accurately portray the intended proj ect,and agrees to all <br /> c itions co aine erei . <br /> . �O2Z� <br /> (Permittee's Signature) (Date) <br />
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