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Resolution 924
Resolutions, Ordinances, Proclamations
Reso 0001-7499
Reso 0900 - 0999 (April 13, 1978 - February 27, 1979)
Resolution 924
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11/16/2015 10:36:28 AM
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11/16/2015 10:36:28 AM
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Resolution No. 924 <br />RESOLUTION REQUESTING THE MINNEHAHA CREEK <br />WATERSHED DISTRICT TO UNDERTAKE WHATEVER <br />PROJECT IS NECESSARY TO AMELIORATE THE <br />PROBLEMS CAUSED ON LAKE MINNETONKA BY THE <br />HIGH WATER IN THE SUMMER OF 1978 <br />WHEREAS, the level of Lake Minnetonka has risen from <br />feet in the spring of 1978, to the level of <br />feet as of July 25, 1978, and <br />WHEREAS, the level of the lake is not dropping at a <br />rate which is acceptable to the City of Orono, and <br />WHEREAS, the high level of water on Lake Minnetonka is <br />causing flooding and erosion problems to the property surround- <br />ing Lake Minnetonka and specifically those properties within <br />the City of Orono, and <br />WHEREAS, it appears that part of the problem of the <br />high water on Lake Minnetonka is due to the inability of the <br />downstream drainage facilities to handle adequately the <br />• increased flows because of downstream structures which are <br />undersized, sediment which has filled the natural channel, <br />and other obstructions within the channel and/or the inade- <br />quate sizing of the natural channel, <br />NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the City Council of <br />the City of Orono as follows: <br />1. The city requests that the Watershed District take <br />those steps necessary to insure that the cities, state and county <br />highway departments and other agencies of the state which have <br />jurisdiction over a portion of the downstream channel, eliminate <br />immediately those obstructions and sediment from the channel <br />in order to allow for the passage of a higher volume of water. <br />2. That the Watershed District, to the extent possible <br />by law and to the extent financially possible, recommend what <br />projects should be undertaken immediately in order to provide <br />an increased capacity of the downstream facilities and the <br />method of payment therefor. <br />• <br />
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