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Resolution 6881
Resolutions, Ordinances, Proclamations
Reso 0001-7499
Reso 6800 - 6899 (October 23, 2017 - September 24, 2018)
Resolution 6881
Entry Properties
Last modified
6/27/2018 12:20:26 PM
Creation date
6/27/2018 12:20:24 PM
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�-��p CITY OF ORONO <br /> RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL <br /> �� G�� No. 6 8 8 1 <br /> t�kFSH�4� <br /> " A RESOLUTION <br /> APPROVING THE PLAT OF BENNETTS NORTHERN WOODS <br /> FILE NO. LA18-000025 <br /> WHEREAS, the City of Orono (hereinafter the "City") is a municipal corporation <br /> organized and existing under the laws of the State of Minnesota; and <br /> WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Orono (hereinafter "City Council") has <br /> adopted subdivision and land development regulations for the orderly, economic and safe <br /> development of land within the City; and <br /> WHEREAS, on December 12, 2017, David Knaeble, (the "Owner") submitted an <br /> application for approval of a preliminary approval of a Planned Residential Development Plat of the <br /> Property located at 3635 Togo Road in the City of Orono and legally described as: <br /> That part of Lot 6, Block 10, TOWNSITE OF LANGDON PARK described as follows: <br /> Beginning at a point on the west line of said Lot 6 distant 150.00 feet north of the southwest <br /> comer thereof; thence easterly at right angles 50.00 feet; thence southerly at right angles <br /> 146.60 feet, more or less,to the south line of said Lot 6;thence easterly along said south line <br /> of Lot 6, 214.00 feet, more or less, to the southeast corner of said Lot 6; thence northerly <br /> along the east line of said Lot 6, to the northeast corner of said Lot 6; thence westerly along <br /> the north line of said Lot 6,to the intersection with the east line of the west 140.00 feet of said <br /> Lot 6, said intersection being marked by a judicial land mark pursuant to case no. 19854; <br /> thence South parallel with the West line of Lot 6, to the intersection with the south line of the <br /> north 250.00 feet of said Lot 6, said intersection being marked by a judicial land mark <br /> pursuant to case no. 19854; thence West along the said south line of the north 250.00 feet, <br /> to the west line of said Lot 6, said south line of the north 250.00 feet being marked by judicial <br /> land marks pursuant to case no. 19854; thence South along said west line of Lot 6, 120.00 <br /> feet, more or less,to the point of beginning, according to the plat thereof on file and of record <br /> in the office of the Register of Deeds. Together with that part of Vacated Northern Ave which <br /> lies easterly of a line described as commencing at a point on the west line of said Lot 6 <br /> distant 150.00 feet north of the southwest corner thereof; thence easterly at right angles <br /> 50.00 fieet to the point of beginning of the line to be described;thence southerly at right angles <br /> to the southerly line of said vacated Northern Avenue per document no. 3186408 and said <br /> line there terminating, Hennepin County, Minnesota, (hereinafter the "Property"); <br /> WHEREAS, at its regular meeting on February 12, 2018, the Orono City Council <br /> granted approval for the Preliminary Plat per the findings and conditions of Resolution No. 6831; <br /> and <br /> 1 <br />
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