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� O� <br /> O 4 <br /> CITY of ORONO <br /> � � <br /> ti <br /> '��',� ,�,b~' <br /> RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL <br /> `�kESTrI�g' . NO. 5 7 5 2 . <br /> conditions, light, air nor pose a fire hazazd or other danger to neighboring <br /> property; would not merely serve as a convenience to the applicants, but is <br /> necessary to alleviate a demonstrable hardship or difficulty; is necessary to <br /> preserve a substantial property right of the applicants; and would be in <br /> keeping with the spirit and intent of the Zoning Code and Comprehensive <br /> Plan of the City. <br /> CONCLUSIONS, ORDER AND CONDITIONS <br /> Based upon one or more of the above findings and with this Resolution, the <br /> Orono City Council hereby replaces Resolution No. 5737 and grants a variance to Orono <br /> Municipal Zoning Code Section 78-282 to allow hardcover within the 0-75' setback zone <br /> consisting of 8.6%, and a conditional use permit for the construction of a new limestone <br /> stair system, regrading of the slope and installation of low retaining walls subject to the <br /> following conditions: <br /> 1. Council approval is based on the revised plans submitted by the applicants and <br /> annotated by City staff, attached to this Resolution as Exhibits A, B & C. Any <br /> amendments to the these plans which are not in conformity with City codes will <br /> require further Planning Commission and City Council review. <br /> 2. Hardcover in the 0-75' zone shall not increase above the 8.6% or 317 s.f. per the <br /> proposed revised plan and revised hardcover allowance summary as depicted on <br /> Exhibit A. Applicants are advised that any future requests to increase hardcover <br /> or change the nature of existing/approved hardcover shall require City approval, <br /> and increases in hardcover will not likely be approved without concurrent <br /> reduction in existing hardcover. <br /> 3. The crushed rock landing of the stairway must be unlined so it remains <br /> permeable. <br /> 4. Walls are to be constructed in accordance with the plans and specifications <br /> provided. The proposed walls must be screened year round with vegetation. <br /> 5. Landscape plan to be implemented in accordance with the plans and <br /> specifications provided and City Engineer recommendations. <br /> 6. Double, heavy duty silt fence with steel t-posts must be installed along the <br /> shoreline throughout the duration of the construction process and remain in place <br /> Page 3 of 5 <br />