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tangent to last said curve a distance of 107.30 feet; thence southwesterly along a <br /> tangential curve to the left with a radius of 56 feet a distance of 19.7 feet; thence <br /> southerly tangent to last said curve a distance of 6.8 feet; thence southerly along a <br /> tangential curve to the left with a radius of 169.7 feet a distance of 53.9 feet; thence <br /> southerly tangent to last described curve a distance of 20.5 feet; thence southerly on a <br /> tangential curve to the left with a radius of 78.1 feet to its intersection with the <br /> centerline of said Border Avenue, and said line there ending, Hennepin County, <br /> Minnesota. <br /> 21 <br /> Southways V3 <br />