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OAr CITY OF ORONO <br /> RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL <br /> NyA. <br /> F �NO. 6871 <br /> G <br /> `-I'EsH00' <br /> FINDINGS OF FACT: <br /> 1. This application was reviewed as Zoning File #18-3997. The analysis contained within <br /> staff memos and the exhibits attached to the aforesaid memos, all minutes from the above <br /> mentioned meetings, and any and all other materials distributed at these meetings are <br /> hereby incorporated by reference. <br /> 2. The Property is located in the LR-1A One Family Lakeshore Residential Zoning District. <br /> 3. The Property contains 3.0 acres in area and has a defined lot width of 320 feet. <br /> 4. The Property is within Tier 1 and hardcover is limited to 25% according to the Stormwater <br /> Quality Overlay District. <br /> 5. Applicant has applied for the following variances: <br /> a. Lake Setback Variance <br /> b. Average Lakeshore Setback Variance <br /> 6. In considering this application for variances, the Council has considered the advice and <br /> recommendation of the Planning Commission and the effect of the proposed variances <br /> upon the health, safety and welfare of the community, existing and anticipated traffic <br /> conditions, light and air, danger of fire, risk to the public safety, and the effect on values <br /> of property in the surrounding area. <br /> ANALYSIS: <br /> 1. "Variances shall only be permitted when they are in harmony with the general purposes <br /> and intent of the ordinance . . . . The requested average lakeshore setback variance is in <br /> harmony with the Ordinance as the most adjacent neighbors are situated so that their lake <br /> views will not be impacted by the changes to the existing home. The additional mass of <br /> the roof areas within the 75-foot lake setback will not be closer to the lake than existing <br /> and will not negatively impact the views into the Property from the lake. This criterion is <br /> met. <br /> 2. "Variances shall only be permitted . . . when the variances are consistent with the <br /> comprehensive plan." The variances resulting in a permit for construction of <br /> modifications to the residence, without footprint expansions, within the setbacks in a <br /> residential zone are consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. This criterion is met. <br /> 2 <br />