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V.pAlp CITY OF ORONO <br /> RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL <br /> sF NO. 669 <br /> G <br /> <'kESHOv. <br /> Parkway shall be approved, subject to the following declarations and conditions: <br /> A. Conditions. <br /> 1) Unless noted otherwise, plans shall be consistent with the project outlined in <br /> Exhibit A. Developer shall provide a final Master Development Plan for the <br /> development that conforms to all standards of the RPUD District except as <br /> modified herein,and shall demonstrate to the satisfaction of the City Council <br /> that all RPUD standards have been met and shall demonstrate where such <br /> standards have not been met, and shall satisfy the City Council that non- <br /> compliance with said standards is remedied in a manner acceptable to the <br /> Council. <br /> 2) Developer shall provide a final landscaping plan meeting all of the <br /> requirements of the RPUD District to the satisfaction of the City Council. <br /> Final landscaping plans will be reviewed for conformity with the RPUD <br /> standards. <br /> 3) Building footprints and styling shall be generally per the examples included <br /> in the attached Exhibit A-1 thru A8. Building shall meet all building and <br /> fire codes. Fire Chief shall approve all hydrant/connection locations. <br /> 4) Flexibility shall being granted for the hardcover and drive setback as noted in <br /> the Findings section above. <br /> 5) Applicant shall dedicate an easement for potential future public trail purposes <br /> over the southerly 10 feet of the property; this requirement may be waived <br /> pending resolution of the public trail question as part of the Wayzata <br /> Boulevard planning process. <br /> 6) Easements. Additional easement may be required by the City engineer to <br /> protect existing water and storm sewer infrastructure. <br /> 7) Utilities; Stormwater Management <br /> The Developer shall install stormwater management facilities generally as <br /> shown on the various attached plans. Developer shall provide suitable <br /> evidence of Minnehaha Creek Watershed District(MCWD)approval of the <br /> stormwater management plan before Development Plan and Final Plat <br /> Page 8 <br />