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CITY OF ORONO <br /> RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL <br /> NO. 6869 <br /> recommendations; and <br /> WHEREAS,the Orono City Council reviewed the sketch plan for the Property on <br /> February 12, 2018, and has reviewed the formal applications at its regular meeting on May 14, <br /> 2018; and <br /> WHEREAS, the City Council hereby makes the following findings in regard to <br /> this application for RPUD General Concept Plan CMP amendment, and rezoning: <br /> FINDINGS <br /> A. Community Management Plan Conformity; CMP Amendment <br /> 1. This application was reviewed as Zoning File#LA18-000036. <br /> 2. The Property is currently zoned RR-1B PUD. The Property contains <br /> approximately 2.55 acres. The CMP guides the property as office. <br /> 3. The property has sat vacant for many years; the city recognizes that there is not a <br /> market,nor is one likely, for office uses on the subject parcel. <br /> 4. The Metropolitan Council established density goals for the City of Orono, and the <br /> city responded by carefully selecting parcels at densities that would potentially <br /> allow for more affordable housing options.Metropolitan Council guidelines require <br /> an overall new sewered development density of at least 3 units per acre. In order to <br /> meet these goals, certain parcels within the Metropolitan Urban Service Area <br /> (MUSA)were guided for densities significantly higher than 3 units/acre—to allow <br /> those shoreland areas in the MUSA historically zoned and planned for low density, <br /> to develop at the 1-acre and 2-acre lot sizes desired by the City. <br /> 5. Recent developments within the MUSA have been approved at densities lower that <br /> prescribed in the CMP. <br /> 6. The city desires to identify additional areas appropriate for high density residential <br /> within the community. The rationale for the density increase at this site was <br /> primarily the location adjacent to a high-traffic roadway; the availability of <br /> municipal utility services; and the remote location from single family residential <br /> development. <br /> Page 2 <br />