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CITY OF ORONO <br /> RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL <br /> NO. 6865 <br /> 4kESH09-%. <br /> 2) Compliant with the zoning code, including any conditions imposed on specific <br /> uses as required by article V, division 3 of the City Code; this statement is <br /> true. <br /> 3) Adequately served by police, fire, roads, and stormwater management; the <br /> subject property is adequately served by these services. <br /> 4) Provided with an adequate water supply and sewage disposal system; the <br /> subject property is adequately served by these services. <br /> 5) Not expected to generate excessive demand for public services at public cost; <br /> this statement is true. <br /> 6) Compatible with the surrounding area as the area is used both presently and <br /> as it is planned to be used in the future; The proposed use is compatible <br /> with the surrounding uses of County Highway, Highway Maintenance, <br /> open space, and commercial retain uses. <br /> 7) Consistent with the character of the surrounding area, unless a change of <br /> character is called for in the community management plan; this statement is <br /> true. The CMP calls for the improvement of existing commercial <br /> structures. The proposed facelift will enhance the appearance of the <br /> building. <br /> 8) Not expected to substantially impair the use and enjoyment of the property in <br /> the area or have a materially adverse impact on the property values in the area <br /> when compared to the impairment or impact of generally permitted uses; The <br /> main, unique impact anticipated is the noise due to barking dogs, and the <br /> elimination of pet wastes. The applicants' plans to address these issues <br /> appear to satisfactorily mitigate the concerns. <br /> 9) Provided with screening and buffering adequate to mitigate undesirable views <br /> and activities likely to disturb surrounding uses; the retention of the <br /> landscaping areas provides sufficient screening. <br /> 10)Not create a nuisance which generates smoke, noise, glare, vibration, odors, <br /> fumes, dust, electrical interference, general unsightliness, or other means; <br /> none expected. <br /> 1 1)Not cause excessive non-residential traffic on residential streets, parking <br /> needs that cause a demonstrable inconvenience to adjoining properties, traffic <br /> congestion, or unsafe access; none expected. <br /> 12)Designed to take into account the natural, scenic, and historic features of the <br /> area and to minimize environmental impact; not applicable. <br /> 13)AIl exterior lighting shall be so directed so as not to cast glare toward or onto <br /> the public right-of-way or neighboring residential uses or districts; lighting will <br /> 4 <br />