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-;?„ 0.z <br /> CITY ofORONO <br /> RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL <br /> ti <br /> NO. 3 4 7 3 <br /> 9x'Es?dog' <br /> B. Adjacen property to the south is the Luce Line Trail and to the north is <br /> a devel ped residential property containing a wetland near the north <br /> bounda of applicants' property. The adjacent property is not available <br /> for purc ase to increase the width of applicants' property at the 50' front <br /> setback ine. <br /> C. The exi ing house on the property has existed there for many decades and <br /> is locate less than the required 30' from the side lot line adjacent to the <br /> Luce Lie Trail. Applicants propose to remove that house and construct <br /> a new r sidence that meets all setback requirements of the City. <br /> D. Strict e orcement of the zoning code would not allow the existing house <br /> with no -conforming setback to be replaced with a new house having <br /> confor ing setbacks. <br /> 4. The City Cou cil has considered this application including the findings and <br /> recommendatio s of the Planning Commission, reports by City staff, comments <br /> by the applican and the effect of the proposed variance on the health, safety and <br /> welfare of the ommunity. <br /> 5. The City Coun it finds that-the conditions existing on this property are peculiar <br /> to it and do n t apply generally to other property in this zoning district; that <br /> granting the v iances would not adversely affect traffic conditions, light, air nor <br /> pose a fire ha and or other danger to neighboring property; would not merely <br /> serve as a c nvenience to the applicant, but is necessary to alleviate a <br /> demonstrable h rdship or difficulty; is necessary to preserve a substantial property <br /> right of the app licant; and would be in keeping with the spirit and intent of the <br /> Zoning Codend Comprehensive Plan of the City. <br /> CONC USIONS, ORDER AND CONDITIONS <br /> Based upon the above findings, the Orono City Council hereby grants a variance <br /> to Municipal Zoning Code ection 10.28, Subdivision 5 (B) to permit the removal of the <br /> existing residence and constru tion of a new residence on the property, subject to the following <br /> conditions: <br /> 1. The new resid4nce shall meet all required setbacks. <br /> Page 2 of 5 <br /> fain 5005 Dish Orr <br />