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2001-P03801 - retaining wall
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Orono La
1385 Orono La - 02-117-23-34-0003
2001-P03801 - retaining wall
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Last modified
8/22/2023 4:09:48 PM
Creation date
5/2/2018 11:12:26 AM
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1385 Orono La
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Sec.13.04 RIGHTS OF SUBJECTS OF DATA <br /> Subd. 1. Type of data. The rights of individual on whom the data is stored or to be stored shall be as set forth in this section. <br /> Subd.2. Information required to be given individual. An individual asked to supply private or confidential data concerning himself shall <br /> be informed of: (a)the purpose and intended use of the requested data within the collecting state agency,political subdivision,or statewide system;(b) <br /> whether he may refuse or is legally required to supply the requested data;(c)any known consequence arising from his supplying or refusing to supply <br /> private or confidential data; and(d)the identity of other persons or entities authorized by state or federal law to receive the data. This requirement shall <br /> not apply when an individual is asked to supply investigative data,pursuant to section 13.82, subdivision 5,to a law enforcement officer. <br /> The commissioner of revenue may place the notice required under this subdivision in the individual income tax or property tax refund instructions <br /> instead of on those forms. <br /> Subd.3. Access to data by individual. Upon request to a responsible authority, an individual shall be informed whether he is the subject of <br /> stored data on individuals,and whether it is classified as public,private or confidential. Upon his further request,an individual who is the subject of stored <br /> private or public data on individuals shall be shown the data without any charge to him and,if he desires, shall be informed of the content and meaning <br /> of that data. After an individual has been shown the private data and informed of its meaning, the data need not be disclosed to him for six months <br /> thereafter unless a dispute or action pursuant to this section is pending or additional data on the individual has been collected or created. The responsible <br /> authority shall provide copies of the private or public data upon request by the individual subject of the data. The responsible authority may require the <br /> requesting person to pay the actual costs of making,certifying,and compiling the copies. <br /> The responsible authority shall comply immediately, if possible,with any request made pursuant to this subdivision,or within five days of the <br /> date of the request,excluding Saturdays,Sundays and legal holidays, if immediate compliance is not possible. If he cannot comply with the request within <br /> that time,he shall so inform the individual,and may have an additional five days within which to comply with the request,excluding Saturdays,Sundays <br /> and legal holidays. <br /> Subd.4. Procedure when data is not accurate or complete. An individual may contest the accuracy or completeness of public or private data <br /> concerning himself. To exercise this right,an individual shall notify in writing the responsible authority describing the nature of the disagreement. The <br /> responsible authority shall within 30 days either: (a)correct the data found to be inaccurate or incomplete and attempt to notify past recipients of inaccurate <br /> or incomplete data,including recipients named by the individual;or(b)notify the individual that he believes the data to be correct. Data in dispute shall <br /> be disclosed only if the individual's statement of disagreement is included with the disclosed data. <br /> The determination of the responsible authority may be appealed pursuant to the provisions of the administrative procedure act relating to contested <br /> cases. <br /> DATA PRIVACY ADVISORY <br /> In accordance with M.S. 13.04, Subd. 2, "Rights of subjects of data", we would like to inform you that your request <br /> for a permit or license from the City of Orono or any of its departments may require you to furnish certain private or <br /> confidential information. <br /> You are notified that: <br /> 1. The information you furnish will be used to determine your qualification for the permit or license requested. <br /> 2. You may refuse to supply data, but refusal may require that the City deny the permit or license. <br /> 3. The information may be shared with other local, state or federal agencies to the extent necessary to process <br /> the permit or license. <br /> 4. If your requested permit or license requires Council action to approve. some information may become public. <br /> 5. You have certain rights under M.S. 13.04 (available upon request) to review private data on yourself. <br /> 6. Your full name is required to process this application or permit. <br /> • <br /> FirstJ //�� Middle Last <br /> /y� r <br /> 1(cle ,(4'i c , / `70/eta f <br /> Address <br /> ( Oyd.4o /kiz Ss39/ <br /> City State Zip Phone <br /> I understand my rights as stated above. <br /> Signatur <br /> 10 <br />
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