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CITY OF ORONO <br /> RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL <br /> yF G NO. 6857 <br /> t�kFSH0SLfc' <br /> a. Title opinion addressed to the City or a title insurance policy in favor of the City. All <br /> owners, mortgage holders or others with property interest indicated therein shall <br /> sign the plat and all other documents affected by such interest. <br /> b. The Developer must provide certified copies of all recorded easements currently <br /> affecting the Property. <br /> c. Signed Trail Easement over the easterly 10 feet of the Property. <br /> d. Signed Developers Agreement and Letter of Credit for construction of <br /> improvements. The City Engineer shall establish the amount to be provided in the <br /> Letter of Credit. <br /> e. A Drainage and Utility Easement shall be granted over the entirety of Outlot A. <br /> f. Access easements shall be provided over Outlot A for proposed Lots 1 and 2; a <br /> Maintenance Agreement for the driveway improvement should also be prepared <br /> by the Developer. <br /> g. Signed Tree Preservation Easement/Covenants. <br /> h. Signed Covenant to Protect Drainfield Sites. <br /> 3. Financial Guarantee. The Developer shall submit a final plat review escrow in the <br /> amount of$2,500.00 with the final plat application. <br /> Additionally, the Development Agreement shall include a financial guarantee by the <br /> Developer to ensure the completion of site improvements. The City Engineer shall <br /> complete an estimate of improvement costs, including but not limited to storm sewers, <br /> landscaping, grading, erosion control, utilities, driveways and stormwater management <br /> facility construction, and the applicant shall provide to the City a financial guarantee of <br /> 150% of the improvement costs. <br /> 4. Plat approval fees to be paid: Total due: $22,170 <br /> a. Final plat fee: $500.00. <br /> b. Park Dedication Fee: $5,550. <br /> c. Stormwater and Drainage Trunk Fee: $16,120.00. <br /> 9 <br />