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BOLTON <br /> & MENK 6857 <br /> Real People.Real Solutions. Resol. No. <br /> #LA18-000022 <br /> Exhibit B <br /> March 15,2018 <br /> City of Orono <br /> Attn: Melanie Curtis <br /> 2750 Kelley Parkway <br /> Orono,MN 55356 <br /> RE: Preliminary Plat Application 2018-3996 <br /> Topside <br /> Engineering Review#1 <br /> Dear Melanie: <br /> As requested, we have completed an engineering review of the documents submitted for the above <br /> referenced project. We offer the following observations, comments, and recommendations for your <br /> consideration: <br /> 1. Per City Code,this location is designated for connection to City sanitary sewer when <br /> developed. However,the applicant has submitted an application for waiver of sanitary sewer <br /> connection due to perceived hardships. We have discussed this requirement and application for <br /> waiver with the City Engineer and defer to the City regarding sanitary service for this plat. <br /> 2. Perimeter erosion control measures(siltfence,rock entrance,etc.)should be indicated on the <br /> plan. If septic sites are allowed,protection fencing should also be installed around sites. <br /> Measures should be installed by the Contractor and inspected by the City prior to any other <br /> work. Contractor must provide minimum 24 hour notice prior to inspection. <br /> 3. Retaining walls 4' or greater in height must be designed by a licensed Professional <br /> Engineer. Tiered walls less than double the height of the lower wall apart will be considered <br /> one wall. Wall plans should be submitted for review and approval prior to construction. <br /> 4. It is unclear what is proposed for common driveway. If the driveway for Lot 2 is connected <br /> directly to Lot l's driveway instead of the common driveway in Oudot A, an easement for the <br /> shared portion will be necessary. <br /> 5. A Final Landscape Plan should be submitted with the Final Plans. The Plan should include the <br /> following: <br /> a. Types and locations of proposed restoration. <br /> b. De-compaction of existing soils under removed impervious surfaces with 12"ripping depth <br /> prior to placement of topsoil. <br /> c. Trees to be removed. <br /> d. Trees to be preserved. <br /> e. Additional trees to be planted. <br /> 6. A Flowage and Conservation easement will be required over all wetlands. <br /> 7. Drainage and Utility Easements should be provided as follows: <br /> a. Over all stormwater management facilities used to meet regulatory requirements. <br /> b. All swales and storm sewer providing drainage for multiple properties. <br /> c. 5' along all side lot lines, unless adjacent to Development boundary. <br /> d. 10' along all front lot lines, rear lot lines, and adjacent to Development boundary. <br /> 8. A conservation easement should be provided over the 20' buffer of trees to be maintained <br /> H:\ORNO\C13115486\z-2018-xxxx Topside\Topslde_PrePlataevlew-1 2018-03-15.docx <br /> Bolton&Menk is an equal opportunity employer. <br />