<br /> That part of Lot 35, in Auditor's Subdivision No. 230, Hennepin County, Minnesota, and of Government Lot 7, in .
<br /> Section 9, Township 117 North, Range 23 West of the 5'h Principal Meridian, described as follows: Beginning at a
<br /> point 302.81 feet South of the North line and 462.00 feet West of the East fine of said Government Lot 7; thence
<br /> East parallel with the North line of said Lot 7 a distance of 462.00 feet to the East line of said Lot 7;thence North
<br /> along the East line of said Government Lot 7,a distance of 302.81 feet to the Northeast corner of said Lot; thence
<br /> continuing North along the North and South centerline of Section 4, Township 117, Range 23, a distance of 216.7
<br /> feet to an intersection with the Easterly extension of the South line of Lot 34 in above mentioned Auditor's
<br /> Subdivision No.230, Hennepin County, Minnesota;thence Westerly along the Southerly boundary fine of said Lot
<br /> 34 and extension thereof to the southwest corner of said Loi; thence Southerly along the extension of the West
<br /> line of said Lot 34 to a point 1071.18 feet Southerly measured along the West fine of said Lot 34 and the
<br /> extension thereof, from the Northwest corner of said Lot 34; thence Westerly deflecting 81 degrees 06 minutes to
<br /> the right from the last described course, 159.66 feet;thence continuing Westerly, deflecting 2 degrees 30 minutes
<br /> to the right from the last described course a distance of 124.65 feet= thence Southwesterly on a tangential curve
<br /> to the left with a radius of 388.66 feet, a distance of 193.75 feet to the point of compound curve; Thence
<br /> Southwesterly on a tangential curve to the left with a radius of 212.81 feet, a distance of 160.52 feet thence
<br /> Southwesterly in a straight line, tangent to said last described curve, a distance of 2.89 feet to the Southerly line
<br /> of aforesaid Section 4; thence West along the South line of said Section, 285.29 feet, said last described point
<br /> being the Southeast corner of Government Lot 1 in said Section 4;thence Southwesterly deflecting 35 degrees 17
<br /> minutes to the left from said last described course, a distance of 110.3 feet; theme Southwesterly deflecting 45
<br /> degrees 28 minutes to the left from said last described course, a&dance of 115.00 feet thence Southwesterly
<br /> deflecting 21 degrees 40 minutes to the right from said last described course, a distance of 174.00 feet, more or
<br /> less to the shore of Maxwell's Bay, Lake Mbnet n a; thence Southeasterly ly along the shore of said lake to its
<br /> intersection with a line running Southerly parallel with the East line of above mentioned Government Lot 7 in said
<br /> Section 9, from a point bearing South 12 degrees 54 minutes 40 seconds West and distant 766.76 feet from the
<br /> point of beginning, said last described being hereinafter referred to and designated as°'Lure X"; thence
<br /> North parallel with the East line of said Government Lot 7 to said point bearing South 12 degrees 54 minutes 40
<br /> seconds West and distant 766.76 feet from said point of beginning; North 12 degrees 54 minutes 40
<br /> seconds East 766.76 feet to the point of beginning said last described course being hereinafter referred to and
<br /> designated as line r; excepting from above described premises, the friving described tract, (Hereinafter
<br /> sometimes referred to as the °excepted tract') to-wit Beginning at the same point of beginning as above
<br /> described; thence South 82 degrees 13 minutes West 2902 feet thence South 35 degrees 05 minutes West,
<br /> 194.4 feet thence South 13 degrees 57 minutes West, 167.65 feet thence South 5 degrees 23 minutes West,
<br /> 265.00 feet, more or less to the shore of Maxwell's Bay, Lake Minnetonka; thence Southeasterly along the shore
<br /> of said lake to an intersection with said line X° hereinabove descrthect thence North along said line X° to its
<br /> intersection with said line Y' hereinabove described; thence North 12 degrees 54 minutes 40 seconds East
<br /> along said`Lime Y°, 766.76 feet to the point of beginning:
<br /> ALSO
<br /> That part of Government Lot 7 in Section 9, Township 117 North, Range 23 West of the 5`h Principal Meridian,
<br /> described as follows: Beginning at a point being 302.81 feet South of the North fine and 462.00 feet West of the
<br /> East line of said Government Lot 7; thence South 82 degrees 13 minutes West, 290.2 feet~ thence South 35
<br /> degrees 05 minutes West, 194.4 feet; thence South 13 degrees 57 minutes West, 167.65 feet to the actual point
<br /> of beginning of the tract of land to be described; thence North 13 degrees 57 minutes East, 167.65 feet; thence
<br /> North 35 degrees 05 minutes East, 194.4 feet thence North 82 degrees 13 minutes East, 193.2 feet; thence
<br /> South 31 degrees 07 minutes 10 seconds West, 261.39 feet; thence South 13 degrees 25 minutes 37 seconds
<br /> West, 167.65 feet thence South 9 degrees 32 minutes 30 seconds West, 286.14 feet; thence due South to the
<br /> shore of Maxwell's Bay, Lake Minnetonka; thence Westerly along said shoreline to an intersection with a line
<br /> bearing South 5 degrees 23 minutes West,from the actual point of beginning;thence North 5 degrees 23 minutes
<br /> East to the actual point of beginning.
<br /> For the purpose of this description the East line of said Government Lot 7 is assumed to be a due North and
<br /> South line.
<br />