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. �°� <br /> o �, o <br /> CITY of ORONO <br /> � � <br /> ti <br /> ��� �G~' RESOLUTION OF TH� C�iT� �OUNCIL <br /> `9kESYi�4' NO. <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of Orono, <br /> Minnesota: <br /> FINDINGS <br /> 1. Tliis application was reviewed as Zoning File#06-3246 <br /> 2. The property is located in the LR-1B zoning district, where 1 acre is the <br /> minimum lot area and 140 feet is the minimum lot width. The property is <br /> approximately 0.62 acre in area and 60 feet in width. <br /> 3. The Planning Commission reviewed this application on March 19, 2007 and on <br /> a vote of 5 - 2 recommended approval of the variances, based on the following <br /> fmdings: <br /> a. The lot is a legal lot of record created prior to adoption of the current <br /> Zoning Ordinance minimum area and width lot requirements. <br /> b. The lot is provided with City sewer. <br /> c. The Owner is not able to acquire additional property to meet minirnum lot <br /> width and area requirements. <br /> d. A house has existed on the lot since 1951. <br /> e. The property is bisected by a sewer easement. Placing the house on the <br /> street side of this easement would create a hardship because the house to <br /> the west would be 20 feet closer to the lake and the house to the east would <br /> be 70 feet closer to the lalce so lake views would be limited. The hazdcover <br /> proposed in excess of that allowed is the amount required to extend the <br /> driveway into the 75 to 250 foot zone. <br /> f. The property to the west is also bisected by the sewer easement. Because <br /> the easement crosses that property at an angle toward the lake the house on <br /> that property is located on the street side of easement. This creates a <br /> limited area between the sewer easement and the average lakeshore <br /> setback. Because of the design of the proposed house and the angle of the <br /> average lakeshore setback the proposed encroachment into the average <br /> lakeshore setbacic will have minimal impact on lake views from this <br /> Page 2 of 5 <br />