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�o�o <br /> CITY OF ORONO <br /> fZESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL <br /> �Fq �,�'~� N�. b562 <br /> kESHO� <br /> l. The easement in question is located within Outlot C of East Willow Woods, a <br /> subdivision plat filed in 1990 which created two residential lots abutting Dickey <br /> Lake Drive and Pine Ridge Lane; two commercial lots abutting Wayzata <br /> Boulevard; and three outlots: Outlot A over a small wetland; Outlot B to <br /> accommodate Orono Municipal Well No. 3; and Outlot C,a corridor for a potential <br /> future road connecting Brown Road and Willow Drive to reduce direct access onto <br /> Wayzata Boulevard. East Willow Woods was platted prior to decisions regarding <br /> the expansion of Highway 12, and Outlot C was anticipated to be necessary to <br /> provide for business access should the Highway 12 expansion occur within the <br /> existing Highway 12 corridor. <br /> 2. Once the decision to create the Highway 12 "Super 2" bypass was made,the need <br /> for a through road between Willow and Brown was decreased. Twenty five years <br /> after its creation, Outlot C has not been developed as a service road. Current <br /> planning for this area suggests that Outlot C will not be needed as a service road <br /> connector. The onYy public use to date has been for access to the City wellhouse <br /> on Outlot B, and that access will no longer be necessary upon completion of the <br /> pending City acquisition of part of Lot 2, Block 2 East Willow Woods and part of <br /> vacated Pine Ridge Lane. <br /> 3. Electric, gas, telephone and cable utilities have been norified of the proposed <br /> vacation and those responding have indicated they have no existing facilities within <br /> the easement area do not object to the vacation. <br /> 4. The City of Orono has no municipal water or storm sewer facilities within Outlot <br /> C. The City does have a short segment of municipal sewer line and a sewer <br /> manhole within Outlot C, over which the Owners have agreed to grant a <br /> replacement Utilities Easement upon vacation of the Road and Utilities Easement. <br /> 5. The City Council finds that the existing Road and Utilities Easement has no <br /> apparent present or future benefit to the public. <br /> 6. The City Council finds that: <br /> a) The vacation does not affect access to or use of any adjoining property.The <br /> property owner's legal access to the property will not be affected by the <br /> vacation of the Road and Utilities easement and no adjacent or nearby <br /> properties will have their access limited by it. <br /> Page 2 of 3 <br />