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Resolution 6613
Resolutions, Ordinances, Proclamations
Reso 0001-7499
Reso 6600 - 6699 March 28, 2016 - November 28, 2016)
Resolution 6613
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1/10/2018 2:51:34 PM
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1/10/2018 2:51:33 PM
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, ' � <br /> EXF�IT A Reso{ution <br /> RESOLUTION NO. � 6 � 3 '���bit A <br /> LEGAL DESCRIP'i'ION UF PREMISES: <br /> That�rt of Lot 3, "Auditor's Subdivision No. 349,Hennepin Cflu��y,Minnesota"described a,s <br /> follows:Commencing at the pourt of i�ersection of t�e South�sterly line of Lot 11 in said <br /> Audito�'s Subdivi�on No.349 aad the dividing line between Lats 3 and 4 in said subdivision; <br /> t�hence Southeasterly alon�the dividing line betwe�n said Lots 3 and 4,a distance of 114.85 <br /> feet to the a�n�le point in said dividing line,said paint being the actual point of beginning of the <br /> ttact of land to be described;thence Southerly along the divid'm.g line belween said Lot�3 a�d. <br /> 4,a distance of 130 fee�thence East deflecting to the left at an�gle of 90 d�egrees 14 minubes <br /> to the shore of Lak�M�nne�tonka;�Northerly along shore of said lake ISO feet mare or <br /> less to�e dividing line beiweea Lot�2 and 3 in said subdivision;thenae Westerly alcmg the <br /> dividing line betvveen said Lflts 2 end 3 to the angle ponrt in last seid dividing line;thencs <br /> continuing�Vesterly in a shaight line to the aatuHl poiat of beg�irming;except the Westerly 20 <br /> feet therea�said 20 feet being mea�u�ed at right angles to the dividing line be�tween said Lots 3 <br /> aad 4. <br /> ALso an undivided 1/18 i� in Lot.s 10 and 11, "Auditor's Subdivision No.349 Hennepin <br /> Couaty,�ota", <br /> Togeth�r with aa easement for road pwposes over that part of�d Lot 3,lying Westerly of the <br /> Westerly line of the premises hereinabove fitst dexn'bed and North�st�erly of a line descn'bed <br /> as follows:Beginning at initial point of commencement of the ttact of land her�inabove <br /> deseribed;th�nce Southeasterly along the dividing line betvveen said Lots 3 and 4, 114.85 feet <br /> to the aagle pourt in said dividing line;thence oontinuing Southeasterly on�n extension of said <br /> dividing line to th,e Westerly line of the tract o�land hereinabove descn't�d and there <br /> t�minating,ss shown in deed I�c.No.316624. <br /> Toge�her with�e�semem for ag�of way for driveway Pw�poses over that part of the <br /> Westerly 2�Q fe�t of said Lot 3,lying Northerly of the South line of the pre�nises he�inabove <br /> first descn"bed�i Sou�etly of the line drawn across said Lot 3,from�e�ng1e point in the <br /> dividing line between Lots 3 and 4 to the angle point in the dividin�g line between Lob 2 end 3 <br /> in seid'Auditor's Subdivision Number 349,Henaepin County,Minnesota",said descn'bed 20 <br /> foot right of way being 20 feet wide as measimed at a right angle to the dividing line b�tvv+een <br /> said Lots 3 and 4,as shawn in dead Doc.ATo.316624. <br />
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