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APPLICANT/OWNER ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: <br /> • ApplicanUOwner agrees to provide all information required or requested by the Planning Department; <br /> • Owner agrees to pay the City of Orono for engineering consultant review costs where applicable; <br /> • ApplicanUOwner certifies that the information supplied is true and correct to the best of his/her knowledge. The applicant recognizes <br /> that they are solely responsible for submitting a compiete application being aware that upon failure to do so,the staff has no alternative <br /> but to reject it until it is complete; <br /> . Applicant acknowledges the attached Escrow Agreement is completed and signed by Owner; <br /> • ApplicanUOwner understands their project may require an initial and/or as-built survey per City Code Section 86-68. <br /> • Some or all of the information that you are asked to provide on this application is classified by State law as either private or confidential. <br /> Private data is information which generally cannot be given to the public but can be given to the subject of the data. Confidential data <br /> is information which generally cannot be given to either the public or the subject of the data. Our purpose and intended use of this <br /> information is to annually update our records and records of other governmental agencies required by law. If you refuse to supply the <br /> information,the a lication ma not be issued. <br /> The undersigned certify that the infor atio suppli is t e an rrect to the best of their knowledge. <br /> Applicant's Signature: � l!a-'%� / � Date: _j �� �� <br /> Property Owner's Signature: - -- !` Date: �/� ��� <br /> �- <br /> S BMISSION REQUIREMENTS: Except for tree removal permits, all permits require a completed <br /> TYPE OF PERMIT: application form,escrow agreement(signed by the property owner)and escrow check from owner,two <br /> copies of each,where applicable,plans,landscape plans,grading plans,surveys or site plans. <br /> Dock,Commercial 1. Structural plans for the dock <br /> 2. Survey/site plan showing the proposed location of the dock <br /> 3. Copy of LMCD permit <br /> Dock,Residential Seasonal Dock—survey showing proposed dock <br /> Permanent Dock—plans as approved by CUP and copy of LMCD permit(if applicable) <br /> Hardcover Permit 1. All Minor or Major Land Alteration Permit requirements apply as appropriate <br /> 2. Hardcover calculations,existing and proposed <br /> 3. Survey <br /> Larrd Alteration,Major 1. Survey/grading plan including existing and proposed contours as approved by Conditional Use Permit <br /> 2. Erosion control plan. <br /> 3. A copy of Minnehaha Creek Watershed District(MCWD)permits or documentation from the MCWD stating the <br /> proposed project does not trigger any of their permitting requirements. Please note,the City will not issue a <br /> buildin ermit without information from the MCWD. <br /> Land Alteration,Minor 1. Survey/grading plan including existing and proposed contours <br /> 2. Amount of fill to be imported and/or exported and haul route <br /> 3. Amount of earth to be moved around on site <br /> 4. Frosion control plan. <br /> 5. A copy of Minnehaha Creek Watershed District(MCWD)permits or documentation from the MCWD stating the <br /> proposed project does not trigger any of their permitting requirements. Please note,the City will not issue a <br /> buildin permit without information from the MCWD. <br /> Retaining Wall 1. Plans for wall(s) <br /> 2. Unless repair or exact replacement of existing wall,submit an updated survey with grading plan including existing and <br /> proposed contours <br /> 3. Hardcover calculation worksheets if in shoreland district <br /> 4. Erosion control plan <br /> 5. A copy of Minnehaha Creek Watershed District(MCWD)permits or documentation from the MCWD stating the <br /> ',, proposed project does not trigger any of their permitting requirements. Please note,the City will not issue a <br /> buildin permit without information from the MCWD. <br /> Stairway or Lifts to 1. Construction plans for stairway or lift,including footings <br /> Lake 2. Topographical survey of property with proposed stairs or lift shown <br /> 3. Erosion control plan <br /> � 4. A copy of Minnehaha Creek Watershed District(MCWD)permits or documentation from the MCWD stating the <br /> proposed project does not trigger any of their permitting requirements. Please note,the City will not issue a <br /> ' .._.__.. _ buildin permit without informaUon from the MCWD. <br /> Structure Permit 1. Construction plans. <br /> 2. Survey/site plan of property with proposed structure shown and with setbacks to property lines,other structures on <br /> property and the septic system indicated.The general location of any sewer and water services should be shown if <br /> applicable. <br /> 3. Grading plan if grading is proposed. <br /> 4. Hardcover calculation worksheets <br /> 5. Erosion control plan. <br /> 6. A copy of Minnehaha Creek Watershed District(MCWD)permits or documentation from the MCWD stating the <br /> proposed project does not trigger any of their permitting requirements. Please note,the City will not issue a <br /> buildin ermit without information from the MCWD. <br /> Tree Removal Call: 952-249-4600 to schedule an inspection for removal of an individual tree(s). A re-planting plan/erosion control/ <br /> mana ement lan ma be re uired for clear cuttin ,buckthorn or other intensive ve etation removal. <br /> Updated: January 2017 <br />