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/"' <br /> r , <br /> Melanie Curtis <br /> r <br /> From: Melanie Curtis <br /> Sent: Tuesday, November 22, 2016 9:33 AM <br /> To: 'Jeff Voshell' <br /> Subject: RE:4774 North Shore Drive Steps <br /> Attachments: Zoning Permit Application May 2015.pdf <br /> Jeff <br /> After reviewing the property, yes, the lake yard is definitely a bluff. Stairs are permitted. <br /> There was a survey done in 2015 by Acre Land Surveying; you may want to look this up with the surveyor as he defined <br /> the bluff. <br /> The stair can be reconstructed and even altered. We will need either an updated survey showing the proposed work(stair <br /> and all the earthwork changes) or a site plan drawn by a licensed professional based on the survey that shows the same. <br /> A stabilization and erosion control plan will also be required.The Zoning Permit application you picked up is the correct <br /> one. I attached a digital copy for your use. <br /> There will be a $50 fee, plus a $2000 cash escrow due at the time of permit issuance. The property owner should sign for <br /> and provide the escrow funds. <br /> If you'd like to sit down for a quick meeting with myself and our engineer who will be reviewing your application let me <br /> know and I can get something scheduled. <br /> Melanie <br /> Melanie Curtis <br /> '�952.249.4627 � <br /> From:Jeff Voshell [] <br /> Sent:Tuesday, November 22,2016 8:35 AM <br /> To: Melanie Curtis<> <br /> Subject:4774 North Shore Drive Steps <br /> Hi Melanie, <br /> Thank you for taking the time to help me yesterday. <br /> I have a customer that would like to replace a set of steps that lead from her house down a steep slope to the <br /> lake/dock. <br /> Customer: <br /> Katrina Wasscher Residence <br /> 4775 North Shore Drive Orono, MN 55364 <br /> I have attached pictures of the current steps to give you an idea of what we are replacing. We intend to use the <br /> same construction style and alignment. There is one flight that would need to be realigned to avoid contact with a <br /> tree. We would leave the pipe style footings where possible and mount new stringers, treads, posts and <br /> handrails. We would also replace the existing abutments at the top of each flight of stairs using landscape timbers. <br /> What permit or permits does this require? <br /> 1 <br />