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���0 <br /> C ITY OF ORONO <br /> RESOLUTION OF T'HE CITY COUNCIL <br /> ��'�q tiG~ N o. b 5 3 � <br /> '�FSHo� <br /> 2. The Property is located in the LR-1 B One Family Lakeshore Residential Zoning District <br /> which requires a minimum lot area of 1.0 acres and a minimum lot width of 140'. <br /> 3. The Pfanning Commission reviewed this application on July 20, 2015, the Planning <br /> Commission voted 5 in favor and 0 opposed on a motion to approve the variances <br /> subject to the following conditions: <br /> a) Owner shall comply with the permitting requirements of the Minnehaha Creek <br /> Watershed District(MCWD). <br /> b) Owner shall comply with the recommendations of the City Engineer and <br /> Building Official during the permit review and construction process, including <br /> but not limited to the following: <br /> i. Owner shall submit engineering information due to the possibility of fill <br /> soils used to create a stable building pad for the existing home. <br /> ii. The proposed structure shall be required to be installed on suitable <br /> original soils or engineered corrected soils which would need to be tested <br /> and approved by the designing engineer. <br /> iii. The Owner shall submit a bluff slope stability analysis for review by the <br /> City's engineer prior to issuance of the building permit; <br /> 4. Based on the following findings: <br /> a). The Property contains 19,250 square feet in area and has 108 feet in width at <br /> the OHWL and 128 feet in width at the 75 foot setback. <br /> b). The variance to allow construction of the finro-story addition on the Property <br /> which is substandard with respect to area and width and encumbered by a bluff <br /> will alleviate a practical difficulty inherent to the Property and was not created <br /> by the Owner. <br /> c). The proposal results in a minor decrease in hardcover from 26.2% to 2.47% <br /> where 25% is the maximum permitted for a Tier 1 property; the proposed <br /> structural coverage is within the permitted limit of 15%. <br /> d). The proposed setbacks from the bluff and into the bluff impact zone do not <br /> exceed beyond the existing encroachment of the structural deck and are not <br /> out of character with the neighborhood. <br /> e). The location of the proposed addition ahead of the average lakeshore setback <br /> will not affect views of the lake enjoyed by the adjacent owner due to iYs location <br /> on the home, topography, and the existing screening vegetation. <br /> Page 2 of 6 <br />