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, • • <br /> ZONING FILE NO. 09-3431 EXHIBIT A RESOLUTION NO_ '� � n ' . <br /> That part of Government Lot 1, Section 9, Township 117, Range 23 West of the 5th <br /> Principal Meridian described as commencing at a point in the West line of soid <br /> Government lot distant 1160.8 feet North from the Southwest corner of said Government <br /> R� lot; thence East porallel with the South line of said Government lot a distance of 442.93 <br /> .� feet, passing through a judiciol londmark set pursuant to Torrens Case No. 11475; thence <br /> a South parallel with the West line of said Government lot a distance of 102.5 feet; thence <br /> D East paraliet with the South line of said• Governrnent lot o distance of 211.0 feet, more or <br /> � less, to the shore of Lake Minnetonka to the actual point of beginrnng of the land being <br /> M described; thence West along the last described line to a point distant 442.93 feet East of <br /> � the West line of said Government lot and 1058.3 feet North of the South line of soid <br /> � Government lot; thence North a distance of 102.5 feet to the North line of the South <br /> � 1160.8 feet of soid Government lot; 'thence West on the North line of the South 1160.8 <br /> K feet of said Government lot a distonce of 197.93 feet (or to a point 245.0 feet East of the <br /> � West line of said Government lot); thence South parallel with the West line of soid <br /> � Government lot o distance of 175 feet; thence Southeasterly deflecting to the left 78 <br /> i degrees 00 minutes, a distance of 330 feet, more or less, to the shore of Lake <br /> �- Minnetonka; thence Northeosterly along the shore of said lake �a distance of 180 feet, <br /> J more or less, to the point of beginning. <br />