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Resolution 6781
Resolutions, Ordinances, Proclamations
Reso 0001-7499
Reso 6700 - 6799 (November 28, 2016 - October 9, 2017)
Resolution 6781
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7/26/2017 9:04:06 AM
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7/26/2017 9:04:05 AM
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6 � $ 1 <br /> Exbibit B -Water and Land Maaagement Resou=ce Management Programs To be Undertaken In <br /> The Catmaw Bay Lake Impmvement Distcict <br /> The majority of the costs fox these treatments have been voluntarily bome by the Bap residents,althoug� <br /> the City of Orono and the D1�IR have contmbuted in the past A Lake Improvement Distact(LID) has <br /> been proposed m more equitably,effir.iendy and reliably fund and administer this progxam. <br /> Othes acjuatic i�nvasive species (AIS),those now in the Bap as well as those that tnap be introduced and es- <br /> tablished in the futute,pose similar threats to the Ba�s health aad xecreation snd are therefore a concem. <br /> Zebra mussets are now in the Bay,howevex no knoavn contra),s are avai]able at this time. Control pro- <br /> gtams fot other invasive plants,animals aad padloge�na will be considered by the LID. <br /> r bletns: <br /> 1. Eurasian watermilfoil and curlpleaf pondweed dinninish the health of and intetfete with tocxeation <br /> ia Cara�an Bay. <br /> 2. Zebra mussels now in Ca,nnaa Bay as well as othex AIS that may become estsblished in Carnnan ., <br /> Bay aYe likely to have similu impacts to its health and enjoyment <br /> SZ�� <br /> 1. Eutasian wate�ilfo�and curlylenf pondweed will be controlled as specified in the LVMP. <br /> 2. Itiative plants and water quality w�l b�maintained or impYoved as specified in the LVMP. <br /> 3. Monito=aad assesa impaets of additionRl AIS and consider feasible controls whea neaded and ap- <br /> pxopriate. <br /> The pmposed type or typea of water aad land related resoutce managemeat projects to be undet- <br /> taken by the ptoposed distdct. This shall include a detailed statement of inteaded etudies,man- <br /> agemeat programs,remedial actions aad constructio�►projects. <br /> The initial aad psin�atp management pxoject of Ehe LID will be the continuation of the Eurasiaa watexmil- <br /> foil aad t;uxlqleaf pondweed c:ontrol progXam undet the LViVIP, thc required monitosing and as- <br /> sesstnen� <br /> The LID will monitor and evaluate the availability of feasible controls for zebxa mussel aad when awAilable <br /> and aesded,the LID can develop and implement zebra mussel controls in coordination with local agen- <br /> cies. <br /> The LID will develop plaas and pmgrams fo=additional AIS,iE and when theq become established and <br /> problematic in Carinan Bay. <br /> Land management pxojects are not anticipated. <br /> Recxat controls of EZxraQt,r9n watermilfoil and curlyleaf pondweed b�ave used hexbicides regiateted by the <br /> United States Eavitonmental Agency and have bean pemwitbed by the Minnesots DepatEmeat of Nat� <br /> Resources. The products and methods used have occurred within a st�ict reg�ilatory milieu,which is de- <br /> aigned to m;n;mitie]ikely advetse effects and unintet2ded consequences. Thetefote,xathec than causing or <br /> increasiag advesse side effeets,the proposed LI17 witl more likely control and decrease adverse effects. <br /> Shouid the LID employ other products oi methods to conttol EWM and CLPW or other AIS,it will occur <br /> with the same regulatory oversight Therefore,adverse effects to land and watet ate aot enricipated. <br />
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