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CITY OF ORONO <br /> RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL <br /> No. 6750 <br /> the Applicant and the public, and the effect of the Proposed Development on the <br /> health, safety and welfare of the community. <br /> 4. The Property is zoned B-4 Office/ Professional. The Property is approximately <br /> 3.16 acres in area of which approximately 0.6 acres is wetland. <br /> 5. The RPUD zoning district requires 5 acres, or a finding that one of the following <br /> apply: <br /> a. Unusual physical features of the property itself or of the surrounding <br /> neighborhood such that development as a RPUD will conserve a physical or <br /> topographic feature of importance to the neighborhood or community. <br /> b. The property is directly adjacent to or across a public street from property <br /> which has been developed previously as a RPUD or planned residential <br /> development and will be perceived as and will function as an extension of that <br /> previously approved development. <br /> c. The property is located in an area where the proposed development provides <br /> a transition between a commercial or industrial area and an existing residential <br /> area or on an intermediate or principal arterial as defined in the comprehensive <br /> plan. <br /> d.The property contains steep slopes or a substantial number of significant trees <br /> that could be preserved through the clustering of buildings or other design <br /> techniques not generally allowed by the existing zoning district. <br /> The Council finds that these exceptions do not apply to the subject proposal. <br /> 6. The Property is adjacent to an office building to the north,a church to the west, and <br /> single family to the east and south. <br /> 7. The Proposed Development is for a 40 unit condominium building, which would <br /> create an effective density of 15.63 units per acre. The proposed density is higher <br /> than planned for in the Comprehensive Plan, where 15 units per acre is the <br /> maximum anticipated. <br /> 8. The Proposed Development shows a 5 story building comprised of residential <br /> floors, a penthouse, and an underground parking level with an estimated defined <br /> height of 48 feet 8 inches. This building would be the highest in the City and <br /> Council finds that this height would negatively impact the character of the <br /> surrounding neighborhood, including the two story commercial areas in Navarre. <br /> 9. The Applicant is unable to satisfactorily address the concerns that the Proposed <br /> Development would negatively impact the adjacent residential neighborhoods. <br /> 10. The Council finds that the proposed rezoning and Proposed Development are not in <br /> the best interest for the physical development of the City pursuant to Zoning Code <br /> Section 78-43. <br />