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Resolution 6774
Resolutions, Ordinances, Proclamations
Reso 0001-7499
Reso 6700 - 6799 (November 28, 2016 - October 9, 2017)
Resolution 6774
Entry Properties
Last modified
10/25/2017 8:32:16 AM
Creation date
7/11/2017 12:00:21 PM
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CITY OF ORONO <br />RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL <br />6774 <br />NO. <br />FINDINGS <br />1. The Property is located within the Metropolitan Urban Service Area (MUSA) and <br />is intended to be developed using municipal sewer and water. Municipal sewer will <br />serve the property. <br />2. The property contains approximately 4.02 gross acres. <br />3. Conservation Design. Pursuant to the City's Conservation Design ordinances the <br />Developer has submitted a Conservation Development report prepared by ISG <br />dated January 3, 2017. Key elements of the report include a Natural Resources <br />Inventory of the non -developing portions of the site including review of the <br />MLCCS Land Cover Classification data, wetland delineations (approved by the <br />MCWD), site vegetation review, and outlining of a basic Conservation Design <br />Master Plan. <br />4. Wetlands on Site and/or Impacted. The property contains a small wetland <br />generally along the shoreline, primarily in Lot 1. This wetland is not proposed to <br />be impacted. The reported MCWD base buffer width requirement is reported as 25 <br />feet. <br />The City code requires a minimum structure setback of 10' from the wetland buffer. <br />The City will require a Conservation and Flowage Easement over the wetlands <br />being preserved. <br />5. Streets. All 3 lots will be served by a new private cul de sac to be platted as an <br />Outlot and be constructed by the developer to City standards. All 3 lots will have <br />driveways accessing the new road system. <br />6. Easements Required. Standard perimeter drainage and utility easements around <br />all property boundaries as well as conservation and flowage easements over the <br />delineated wetlands will be required. A new easement is proposed to provide for <br />vehicular access to the existing lift station serving the Project. <br />7. Park and Trail Dedication. There are no identifiable public parkland needs at this <br />location. However, development of the proposed housing will generate additional <br />use of existing City park facilities in the area. The Council finds that no park lands <br />need to be dedicated and the park dedication should be in the form of a Cash <br />Contribution in Lieu of Lands as allowed by the Municipal Code. Additionally, the <br />Council finds that although no public trails along the property boundaries are <br />planned. Park dedication will be $11,100.00 <br />
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