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CITY OF ORONO <br />RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL <br />NO. 6772 <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of Orono, Minnesota <br />hereby approves the requested CUP as described above based on one or more of the following <br />findings of fact concerning the Property: <br />FINDINGS OF FACT: <br />1. This application was reviewed as Zoning File #17-3939. The analysis contained within <br />staff memos and the exhibits attached to the aforesaid memos, all minutes from the above <br />mentioned meetings, and any and all other materials distributed at these meetings are <br />hereby incorporated by reference. <br />2. The Property is located in the LR -1C One Family Lakeshore Residential Zoning District. <br />3. Applicant has applied for the following approval[s]: <br />a. Conditional Use Permit for Grading over 500 cubic yards within the Shoreland. <br />b. Conditional Use Permit for Grading over 50 cubic yards within the 75 -foot Setback <br />from the lake. <br />4. The plans provided by the Applicant include landscaping solutions to deal with site <br />drainage and slope stabilization; the scope of work includes subsurface drainage <br />infrastructure along with grading and vegetation. <br />5. In considering this application for CUP, the Council has considered the advice and <br />recommendation of the Planning Commission and the effect of the proposed CUP upon <br />the health, safety and welfare of the community, existing and anticipated traffic conditions, <br />light and air, danger of fire, risk to the public safety, and the effect on values of property in <br />the surrounding area. <br />CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT ANALYSIS: <br />1) Consistent with the community management plan; The intent for the proposed grading <br />is residential in nature, is consistent with the permitted uses for the Property, and is <br />compliant with the zoning code and comprehensive plan. <br />2) Compliant with the zoning code, including any conditions imposed on specific uses as <br />required by article V, division 3 of the City Code; The proposed slope restoration, <br />grading, and plantings are residential in nature and are compliant with the zoning code. <br />3) Adequately served by police, fire, roads, and stormwater management; This statement <br />is true. <br />