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Resolution 6772
Resolutions, Ordinances, Proclamations
Reso 0001-7499
Reso 6700 - 6799 (November 28, 2016 - October 9, 2017)
Resolution 6772
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2/27/2018 2:47:04 PM
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6/27/2017 11:42:53 AM
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42. <br />A field log of each boring was prepared by the HG'S drill crew. The logs contained visual <br />classifications of the soil materials encountered during drilling, as well as the driller's <br />interpretation of the subsurface conditions between samples and water observation notes. <br />The final boring logs included with this report represent an interpretation of the field logs <br />and include modifications based on visual/manual method observation of the samples. <br />The soil boring logs, general terminology for soil description and identification, and <br />classification of soils for engineering purposes are also included in the appendix. The soil <br />boring logs identify and describe the materials encountered, the relative density or <br />consistency based on the Standard Penetration resistance (N -value, "blows per foot") and <br />groundwater observations. <br />The strata changes were inferred from the changes in the samples and auger cuttings. The <br />depths shown as changes between strata are only approximate. The changes are likely <br />transitions, variations can occur beyond the location of the boring. <br />3.0 RESULTS <br />3.1 Soil Conditions <br />The soil borings encountered about 1 foot of topsoil at the surface. The topsoil consisted <br />of sandy lean clay that was black in color. <br />Beneath the topsoil, the borings encountered native alluvial lean clay soils that extended <br />to around 4 feet below the ground surface. Penetration resistance values (N -values), <br />shown as blows per foot (bpf) on the boring logs, of 8 blows per foot (bpf) were recorded <br />in the lean clays which indicate a medium consistency. <br />Underlying the topsoil and alluvial clay soils, the soil borings encountered glacial till soils <br />that extended to the boring termination depths of about 40 feet. The glacial till soils <br />consisted mainly of clayey sand, with upper layers of sandy lean clays and lean clays <br />encountered at boring SB -1. N -values of 10 to 26 bpf were recorded in the glacial till soils. <br />These values indicate the clayey sands had a medium dense relative density with upper <br />loose zones while the sandy lean clays/lean clays had a stiff consistency. <br />3.2 Groundwater <br />Groundwater was encountered in both soil borings after drilling between depths of about <br />31 % to 34 feet which correspond to elevations of about 936 to 938. Water levels were <br />measured on the dates as noted on the boring logs and the period of water level <br />observations was relatively short. Given the cohesive nature of the glacial till soils <br />encountered, it is likely that insufficient time was available for possible perched <br />groundwater to seep into the bore hole and rise to its hydrostatic level. <br />The Minnesota DNR reports the Ordinary High Water Level (OHW) of Lake Minnetonka <br />to be around an elevation of 929 % feet. <br />3 <br />
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