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6772 <br />Katherine Marxen <br />Fronx Ron Anderson <br />Sent Tuesday, April 18, 2017 4:29 PM <br />To: Katherine Marren <br />Subject: Fwd: Bailey - Plantings <br />Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone <br />-------- Original message -------- <br />From: Ellie Dahl <ellie(c�,nor ' .net> <br />Date: 4/18/17 3:24 PM (GMT -06:00) <br />To: Ron Anderson <> <br />Subject: Bailey - Plantings <br />Ron, <br />I have reviewed the documents that were sent over to us and spoke with George about some plant options we <br />would suggest for the slope. Below are a few I'd suggest: <br />Red -Osier Dogwood (shrub) - cornus stolonifera <br />Ninebark (shrub) - physocarpus capitatus <br />Snowberry (shrub) - sympthoricarpos albus <br />GroLow Sumac (groundcover) - rhus aromatica <br />Crown Vetch (groundcover) - coronilla varia <br />Allium (native wildflower) - allium stellatum <br />RECEIVED <br />Yarrow (native wildflower) - achillea millefolium <br />Blue Rug Juniper (low growing evergreen) - juniperus horizontalis 'WiltoniiAPR 19 2017' <br />CITY OF ORONO <br />There a quite a few options available but these are the few I suggest that are easy to get and seem to do well in <br />our area. I tried to give a variety of both shrubs, wildflower, and groundcover that all do well in a very sunny <br />climate. Not only is having a variety nice aesthetically, but it has it's benefits with erosion as well. Having the <br />variety of sizes will do a good job of breaking up/slowing down rainfall as it falls and hits the slope which in <br />turn minimizes erosion during a rainfall event. <br /># 3939 <br />