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CITY OF ORONO <br />RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL <br />NO. 6766 <br />congestion, or unsafe access; The proposed additions will not add additional <br />measurable traffic. <br />M) Designed to take into account the natural, scenic, and historic features of the <br />area and to minimize environmental impact; The kitchen is sited to preserve <br />views from the pavilion, and will not impact views from the property. The shed <br />is located in the middle of the property. <br />n) All exterior lighting shall be so directed so as not to cast glare toward or onto the <br />public right-of-way or neighboring residential uses or districts; no lighting is <br />proposed and <br />o) Not detrimental to the public health, public safety, or general welfare. This <br />statement is true. <br />The City Council has considered this application including the findings and <br />recommendation of the Planning Commission, reports by City staff, comments by the <br />Applicants and the public, and the effect of the proposed interim use permit on the health, <br />safety and welfare of the community. <br />9. The City Council finds that the Applicants' request would be in keeping with the spirit and <br />intent of the Zoning Code and Comprehensive Plan of the City. <br />CONCLUSIONS, ORDER AND CONDITIONS <br />Based upon one or more of the above findings, the Orono City Council hereby grants a Conditional <br />Use Permit amendment pursuant to Orono Municipal Zoning Code Section 78418 to allow the construction <br />of a maintenance garage and an outdoor kitchen, subject to the following conditions: <br />1. This CUP is for temporary use of the Property in accordance with the site layout and plans <br />submitted by the applicant, attached hereto as Exhibit A. <br />2. Applicant shall obtain all appropriate required permits from Hennepin County, Minnehaha Creek <br />Watershed District, MPCA, and any other agencies or governing authorities as may be required <br />for activities on the site. <br />Adopted by the Orono City Council on the 12th clay of June , 2017. <br />ATTEST: <br />ujaa;�-, <br />Anna Carlson, City Clerk Dennis Walsh, Mayor <br />Page 3 of 3 <br />