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Resolution 6765
Resolutions, Ordinances, Proclamations
Reso 0001-7499
Reso 6700 - 6799 (November 28, 2016 - October 9, 2017)
Resolution 6765
Entry Properties
Last modified
2/27/2018 2:45:21 PM
Creation date
6/13/2017 10:14:49 AM
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CITY OF ORONO <br />RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL <br />NO. 6765 <br />8. "The special conditions applying to the structure or land in question are peculiar to such <br />property or immediately adjoining property." The location and nature of the Property <br />necessitate the proximity to the lake. The need for identification, parking, and vehicle <br />maneuvering on the Property creates increased difficulties which drive the sign location <br />and improvements toward the road. To keep the improvement low to the ground the <br />required 20 inch separation from is reduced by 4 inches. <br />9. "The conditions do not apply generally to other land or structures in the district in which the <br />land is located." The marina property is generally unique in the immediate neighborhood. <br />10. "The granting of the application is necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of a <br />substantial property right of the applicant." This statement is true. <br />11. "The granting of the proposed variance will not in any way impair health, safety, comfort or <br />morals, or in any other respect be contrary to the intent of this chapter." This statement is <br />true. <br />12. "The granting of such variance will not merely serve as a convenience to the applicant, but <br />is necessary to alleviate demonstrable difficulty." The size of the Property; the proximity to <br />the lake and County Road 15; the need for site identification and access create practical <br />difficulties affecting the Property; the variances are necessary and not merely serve as a <br />convenience to the owners <br />CONCLUSIONS, ORDER AND CONDITIONS: <br />Based upon one or more of the above findings, the Orono City Council hereby <br />grants variances to Orono Municipal Zoning Code Sections 78-1279 and 78-1680 to allow a new <br />monument sign with a 15 square foot footprint to be located 60 feet from the ordinary high water <br />level of Lake Minnetonka where a 75 foot setback is required and where no hardcover is <br />permitted; and a variance to Orono Municipal Zoning Code Sections 78-1466 to permit 16 inches <br />of ground clearance between the sign copy area and grade where 20 inches is required; and a <br />variance to Orono Municipal Zoning Code Sections 78-1468 to permit a new monument sign to <br />be located 3 feet from the street property line where a 10 -foot setback is required in order to install <br />a new monument sign, subject to the following conditions: <br />1. Council approval is based on the entire record, above Findings. <br />2. The approved project shall conform to the approved site plan and signage plans submitted <br />by the Applicant and annotated by City staff, attached to this Resolution as Exhibits B & <br />C. <br />
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