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�°�o CITY OF ORONO <br /> RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL <br /> �� �~fi NO. � � � Z <br /> ��kFSHo�`�' <br /> A10. The solution to avoid the need for individual variances resulting from the timing and <br /> location of each successive house construction is to grant a blanket variance, establishing <br /> conditions of approval that will ensure an appropriate review process in the event of a <br /> potential view encroachment. Subject to appropriate conditions,the granting of an average <br /> lakeshore setback variance for each of the Lots will meet the intent and spirit of the <br /> Ordinance while avoiding the need for individual Lot owners to apply for a variance for a <br /> newly platted Lot. <br /> A11. In considering this application for variance, the Council has considered the advice and <br /> recommendation of the Planning Commission and the effect of the proposed variances <br /> upon the health, safety and welfare of the community, existing and anticipated traffic <br /> conditions, light and air, danger of fire, risk to the public safety, and the effect on values <br /> of property in the surrounding area. <br /> VARIANCE ANALYSIS: <br /> According to MN §462.537 Subd. 6(2) variances shall only be permitted when the following <br /> standazds are satisfied(findings applicable to all 7 Lots are in bold text): <br /> B 1. The variance is in hannony with the general intent and purpose of the Ordinance. Single <br /> family homes and the associated amenities are permitted uses in t6e RR-1B distric�The <br /> average lakeshore setback ordinance is intended to protect neighboring properties' <br /> views of the lake. Granting of the variances with conditions will maintain those views. <br /> B2. The variance is consistent with the comprehensive plan. Granting of the variance with <br /> conditions will be consistent with the intent of the comprehensive plan to protect lake <br /> views. <br /> B3. The applicant establishes that there are practical difficulties: <br /> a. The property owners propose to use the property in a reasonable manner not permitted by the <br /> official controls. The Lot owners are proposing to use their properties in a reasonable <br /> manner by constructing new homes in a configuration wluch while not strictly meeting <br /> the provisions of the ordinance will effectively meet the intent of the ordinance. <br /> b. There are circumstances unique to the properties not created by the landowners. The varied <br /> topography, requirements for tree preservation, and the location of wetlands, <br /> stormwater ponds, septic sites, and driveways are unique factors to this subdivision <br /> which result in the limited possibilides for placement of homes within each Lo� None <br /> of these factors were created by the Lot owners. <br />