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Resolution 6762
Resolutions, Ordinances, Proclamations
Reso 0001-7499
Reso 6700 - 6799 (November 28, 2016 - October 9, 2017)
Resolution 6762
Entry Properties
Last modified
10/25/2017 8:32:32 AM
Creation date
5/23/2017 10:20:17 AM
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CITY OF ORONO <br />RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL <br />NO. 676 2 <br />C12. Not cause excessive non-residential traffic on residential streets, parking needs that cause <br />a demonstrable inconvenience to adjoining properties, traffic congestion, or unsafe access. <br />Other than temporary construction traffic on Long Lake Boulevard, the proposed <br />use will not generate any of these undesirable impacts. <br />C13. Designed to take into account the natural, scenic, and historic features of the area and to <br />minimize environmental impact. The residential character of the walls and grading <br />would appear to blend well with the neighborhood, and is expected to have no <br />detrimental environmental impacts. <br />C14. All exterior lighting shall be so directed so as not to cast glare toward or onto the public <br />right-of-way or neighboring residential uses or districts. This criterion is not applicable <br />to this situation. <br />C15. Not detrimental to the public health, public safety, or general welfare. The walls and <br />grading plan are not expected to have any impact on the health, safety and welfare <br />of the public. <br />CONCLUSIONS, ORDER AND CONDITIONS: <br />Based upon one or more of the above findings, the Orono City Council hereby grants <br />variances to Orono Municipal Zoning Code Section 78-1279 and a conditional use permit <br />pursuant to Sections 78-966 through 78-968 to allow site grading as well as construction and <br />reconstruction of decks, pool, and retaining walls located in a bluff impact zone where no <br />structures or grading are normally allowed and constituting an encroachment of the average <br />lakeshore setback where no such encroachment is normally allowed, subject to the following <br />conditions: <br />1. Council approval is based on the survey by Mark C. Kemper of Kemper & Associates, Inc., <br />dated March 22, 2017; and grading, construction and landscape plans identified as Sheets <br />L-1 thru L-5 by Keenan & Sveiven, Inc. dated 5/17/17, attached to this Resolution as <br />Exhibits A & B. Any amendments to the plans which are not in conformity with City codes <br />may require further Planning Commission and City Council review. <br />2. Prior to issuance of the building permit and commencement of construction, applicant and <br />applicant's contractor shall meet on the site with the City Engineer for a pre -construction <br />meeting to review the proposed construction access to Long Lake Boulevard and the <br />drainageway crossing. No impacts to the drainageway will be allowed. Applicant shall <br />adhere to the recommendations in Consulting Engineer Robert Bean's letter dated May 1, <br />2017. <br />3. Prior to issuance of the building permit, applicant shall have depicted on the survey the <br />wetland boundary and actual setback dimensions. <br />
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