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Resolution 6762
Resolutions, Ordinances, Proclamations
Reso 0001-7499
Reso 6700 - 6799 (November 28, 2016 - October 9, 2017)
Resolution 6762
Entry Properties
Last modified
10/25/2017 8:32:32 AM
Creation date
5/23/2017 10:20:17 AM
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CITY OF ORONO <br />RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL <br />NO. 6 7 6 2 <br />A3. The Property contains 3.1 acres in area and has a defined lot width of 205 feet at the <br />lakeshore and 275 feet at the 75 -foot setback line. <br />A4. The Property is within Stormwater Quality Overlay District Tier 1 and hardcover on the <br />property is limited to 25%. <br />A5. The Applicant requests variance and CUP approval in order to replace existing decks, <br />retaining walls and swimming pool, all located on the lake side of the existing residence. <br />The project also involves regrading of the south and west yards adjacent to the pool <br />area and eliminating a multi -tiered retaining wall system in favor of a single tier system. <br />The property is a fairly steep lakeshore lot on North Farm Road, and the existing home <br />was constructed in 1981. While the house and pool/decks/walls are tucked into the top <br />of a slope that today is defined as a bluff, they were all constructed prior to City <br />ordinances that would have required variances for such construction. <br />A6. All of the proposed work is more than 100 feet from the lakeshore and appears to beat <br />least 75 feet from the nearest wetlands. A wetland delineation has been performed to <br />confirm no wetland setback issues. <br />A7. In addition to structure and grading within a bluff feature, the westerly half of the <br />proposed reconstruction is located lakeward of the average lakeshore setback line. The <br />westerly deck (a second story deck) will encroach slightly further lakeward than the <br />existing deck and patio, while in the pool area the encroachment will be approximately <br />the same or slightly less. The house to the east on Long Lake Boulevard will be <br />completely unaffected by the encroachment. The house to the west sits much further <br />back from the lake. The very minor additional encroachment of the expanded patio and <br />deck will be lower in the topography, and is not anticipated to reduce lake views enjoyed <br />by the neighbor. <br />A8. The proposed grading within the lakeshore yard is necessary in order to match the new <br />grades resulting from removal of the tiered retaining walls. Proposed grading plans <br />indicate that approximately 1'-1.5' of fill will be added in an area approximately 40'x 90', <br />totaling in the neighborhood of 500-600 cubic yards. Existing slope in this area is in the <br />30-35% range, while the proposed slope is in the 35-40% range. The proposed slope <br />will be more uniform, smoothing out some of the minor variations of the existing slope. <br />It appears there will be a few trees removed as part of this grading plan. <br />A9. Along the easterly yard, the tiered retaining wall system will be removed in favor of a <br />single wall system. In this area existing slopes range from 18% to 36%, and at the base <br />of the slope is a drainageway within an existing drainage easement. Proposed re- <br />grading after the tiered wall is removed will result in a uniform slope of about 34-36% or <br />between 2.5:1 and 3:1. Grading plans indicate that the drainageway will not be filled or <br />graded; however, a temporary culvert in the drainageway is proposed, to allow <br />2 <br />
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