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CITY OF ORONO <br />RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL <br />NO. 6757 <br />the channel shoreline and the location of the lake proper at the southern end of the channel <br />are conditions unique to the Property and the immediately adjacent properties. <br />10. "The granting of the application is necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of a <br />substantial property right of the applicant." The home cannot be expanded in any way within <br />the setback without variances; the applicants state that the variance is necessary. <br />11. "The granting of the proposed variance will not in any way impair health, safety, comfort or <br />morals, or in any other respect be contrary to the intent of this chapter." The variance <br />resulting in an addition to the existing home lakeward of the average lakeshore setback <br />will not impair health, safety, comfort, or morals. The project is in line with the intent of <br />the chapter. <br />12. "The granting of such variance will not merely serve as a convenience to the applicant, but <br />is necessary to alleviate demonstrable difficulty." The topography, the channel, and location <br />of the adjacent home to the north create practical difficulties affecting the Property; the <br />variances are necessary and not merely serve as a convenience to the owners. <br />CONCLUSIONS, ORDER AND CONDITIONS: <br />Based upon one or more of the above findings, the Orono City Council hereby grants a <br />variance to Orono Municipal Zoning Code Section 78-1279 to allow construction of a 780 square <br />foot 2nd story addition to the existing home lakeward of the average lakeshore setback line, subject <br />to the following conditions: <br />1. Council approval is based on the entire record. <br />2. The approved project shall conform to the building plans submitted by the Applicants and <br />annotated by City staff, attached to this Resolution as Exhibit A. <br />3. Any amendments to the plans which are not in conformity with City codes may require <br />further Planning Commission and City Council review. <br />4. Authorities granted by this resolution run with the Property not with the Applicants, but are <br />permissive only and must be exercised by obtaining a building permit for the new <br />construction and commencing construction of said project. A framing inspection must be <br />completed within one year of the date of Council approval, or the variance will expire on <br />that date (May 8, 2018). <br />